Favourite Sheng gong Wu?

golden tiger claws: Beacuse I could teleport behind my brother and kick him
Shard Of lighting: I could Use it to eat stuff that my mum says I can't hav

Luke, I am your father - Do you get it?


I actually have 10 favorite shen-gong-wu.

A reason for each.

10. Ruby of Rhamses-Telekenesis rules!
9. Shroud of Shadows- That'd be handy... I could use it in bad parts of town.
8. Longi Kite- Who doesn't want the ability to fly?
7. Two-ton tunic- Works better than a bulletproof vest.
6. Golden Finger- Temporarily stopping time would work on so many levels.
5. Monkey Staff- I would look weird, but with my crappy balance, I'd need it.
4. 3rd Arm Sash- An extra arm would totally be useful.
3. Golden Tiger Claws- I could go anywhere at anytime... no need for a car!
2. Gills of Hamachi- I wouldn't need a mask... I could just use them.
1. Changing Chopsticks- I could fix or dismantle machines with these. (I know I said 10 shen gong wu, but with all of these, there's a bad side... so I'd need the Reversing Mirror too.)


1. Golden tiger claws- I could teleport to my friends house
2. Glove of jasaku(sorry my spelling)- I would love to actract metal items cos I don't have a real magnet
3. Reversing Mirror- I would like to reverse my brothers beating up skills
4. Shard of lightning- Before i get hurt I could use it to stop it
5. Crystal Glasses-I would love to see whats in the future
6. Shroud of shadows- I could be invisible and play my psp then people will see a floating psp
7. 3rd arm sash- that could be very useful when doing my chores
8. gills of hamachi- I know I can't swim, but it would be cool to breathe underwater
9. Star of hynaby- I would Like to have that when It comes to winter
10. Orb of Tonami- I would like to have that when it comes to summer
11. Sword of the storm- I could use it when it is to hot

Lets dance, or else!


PEOPLE CMON have you ever even SEEN this SHOW!?!? actually WATCH IT once in a while! mine shen gong wu is...DUHHHH....emperor scorpion because it controls ALL shen gong wu :(


Sword of Storm: A powerfull defender and attacker Wu!!!!!!!


I would like to have

1. Blade of the Nebula-It not only looks cool, but its very powerful
2. Golden Tiger Claws-Go anywhere without a car
3. Orb of Tornami- Id love to use it for when theres a drought or to freeze someone in place
4. Gills(forgot the rest of the name)- I would love to stay underwater for long periods of time
5. Fist of Tebigong- Great for Fist Fights
6. Jet Bootsu- Who doesnt want to fly?
7. Tounge of Saiping- When you have as much animals as I do. This would really be helpful

Cant think of any others at the moment that I would truly want



I like that Sheng Gong Wu that makes you change your form. I forgot what it's called. Hannable Bean has (or had) that wu.


That's the Moby Morpher.


Oh, so that's what it's called. Thanks.


blade of the nebula is not a shen gong wu its Rai's wufu weapon


ooh, golden tiger claws golden tiger claws!


Shroud of shadows this could come in handy!!!!!!!!!!!


nope i dont get it



Don't not to eat spinach


Golden Tiger Claws are the best! I hate the time it takes to drive somewhere. Technically the Crest of the Condor is a shen gon wu, also, (elemental shen gon wu) So I'd like that, too, to control the wind.
