MovieChat Forums > Xiaolin Showdown (2003) Discussion > A Newbie Question about Omi

A Newbie Question about Omi

I've recently started watching XS w/my 7yo daughter. Its a lot of fun. (Please keep that in mind when I ask this question.) I asked her who is OMI? Why is he the only non-humanlike character? I can't get an answer anywhere. Wherever I look online it just says he's an orphan who was raised in the temple. I know it is a cartoon, but why is he a yellow "cartoon-like" character while the others are drawn as humans. Has this ever been brought up in the show? Its just one of those things that bugs me when the show is on and I thought I'd try to get an answer once and for all. Thanks for any help.


But Omi is a human. He just so happens to have a hair growth problem, be extremely short and not know any slang. And I don't know why he's yellow, but grand master Dashi (they guy who created the sheng gong wu) was also yellow for some unknown reason.


LOL! Thank you for answering. If we don't have an explanation, I'll just have to deal with that. At least now I know I'm not the only one who doesn't know why. (Along with my daughter and husband, who don't care at all why!)



I think that Omi and Master Dashi are yellow to symbolize that they are very great warriors compared to everyone else. Idk. That's just my opinion. :)



Master Monk Guan is also yellow. I think it may be to distinguish the monk warriors from the others.


he must be a lost son of the Simpsons, or someone from Sprinfield



calm down jackass, shes just askin a qeustion. and for the recoed, youd think that master fong, being japanese too, would be yellow as well...... interesting theory......


Master Fong, Dashi and Omi are Chinese... Kimiko is Japanese.


yea, that too...... but my point remains

You should probably know, I'm just a little crazy :)


Some people think that the reason for Omi's skin color is that he might be related to Dashi. But this doesnt explain Master Monk Guan's skin color. I personally don't have an answer, but I do think that Omi is related to Dashi and Jack to Wuya.

Maybe they just have some messed up tans....



The reason why he has bad English is because he hasn't really been exposed to slang language.



Master Monk Guan is not yellow... only Dashi and Omi are. I don't think they're yellow to stereotype, I mean, they used to call all asians yellow, and Kimiko is Japanese (as am I). Sure there are some stereotypes, like Kimiko being into all of the technology, and Clay into farming and cattle, but Omi as a Monk in a temple is not a stereotype. I believe they just made him yellow because it's a cartoon. I mean, look at Chase Young's eyes... or Kimiko's for that matter: You'd be hard-pressed to find a Japanese lineage with blue eyes. And Jack's whiter than anyone should be... almost fake. So it's just for the cartoon. Anyway, hope that clears up some stuff.



Isn't the show's creator of Asian decent?


Yes, as are a lot of other people who work on the show.

