Two questions!

First off, is this show on DVD because I really want it.

Second. How old are the people who are fans of this show?? I'm 19 and I love it. It's surprisingly smart, funny, and intriguing. Funnier than most adult and kids sitcoms and animated shows out there.


I just turned fourteen, to answer one of your questions.


1. Yes they've got out a season one DVD set already.
2. I'm 22 and like this show. Funny, action, and some really original abilities granted by the Wu.


i dont know if it is
i am 17 almost 18 and love this show and have two friends, the same age as me that love this show.


Someone already answered the first question, but in answer to the second, I'm 22 and enjoy it. I've always been fascinated by shows like this. I like the aspect of the elemental powers, particularly Rai's wind power, but that's me.


I just turned 23, and although I haven't been able to see the show in awhile, I'm still a fan.


I am 19 and in love with this show! I have a 20 year old friend who is a fan too, and I got the DVD.


I'm 16 and I love this show

Don't not to eat spinach


32, and my wife and I watch it with our kids every chance we get, we all love the show.

On a side note any idea when season 2 comes out?


I think you mean season 4 and no clue

Don't not to eat spinach


Doh actually season 2 DVD.


sorry, and again no clue

Don't not to eat spinach


24 It's a cartoon that even adults like. I wish disney's movies were more like this, heart warming, funny, and extremely entertaining. Its incredible how they manage to produce so many series within that caliber considering the fact that they have a shoe string budget compare to some of the latest disney movies. It doesn't take 3D graphics to attract viewers, it only takes a solid story with some decent character development.. **Crossing my fingers for season 4**
