What happened to Chloe?

The few episodes of this series I was able to catch were amusing enough; I'd like to see more if the programming gremlins would allow. My biggest complaint is the disappearance of Sabrina's friend, Chloe! What happened? She seems to have been replaced with a *very* washed-out clone named Maritza(?)--without even the benefit of Cree Summers' voice talents! Can anyone tell me the reason for the lame character switch?


It's a trade-up, my friend. I love Chloe too, but the producers, I'm guessing, thought it was time for a change and if you have too many main characters, each one loses focus.

I'm a vegetarian, dammit!!


I agree with DeRo64. I would assume to say that after graduated from junior high, Chloe's family moved to another place, and I would say the same for her arch nemesis Gem.



In the live action Sabrinas friends changed all the time.

Season 1 Jenny
Season 2-3 Valerie
Season 4 Drema
Season 5-7 Roxie, Morgan and Miles
