MovieChat Forums > Eggheads (2003) Discussion > Did that CJ guy ever appear on 'The Weak...

Did that CJ guy ever appear on 'The Weakest Link'

I remember seeing a player on 'The Weakest Link' about three or four years ago called CJ, (I can't remember his surname) but he was arrogant and full of himself just like the CJ on eggheads.

Does anyone else remember seeing this CJ guy on 'The Weakest Link' or are there two separate CJ's who are full of themselves?


No it is the same CJ.
Please don't think that there could be another person alive like him!

"It's a fantastic day here, and I hope it is wherever you're at" - Bob Ross


He was far more obnoxious on 'The Weakest Link' than he has ever been on 'Eggheads'. No mention has been made on 'Eggheads' that he has been on 'The Weakest Link'.

Two C J's!!! I certainly hope not anyhow!


I've not seen the Weakest Link he appeared on, I think it was a winners and loosers edition.
Apparentley his was very stroppy when he was voted off.

"It's a fantastic day here, and I hope it is wherever you're at" - Bob Ross


Chris appeared on The Weakest Link- an early one from around 2001. Can't find it on Youtube (a little before it existed and not many people will have kept a recording of it). He got every question right and was not surprisingly voted off tactically in the last round. I remember him being quite angry and saying something like "...It just goes to show, mediocrity rules these days!"

I imagine CJ came across as a bit of a ponce to the other contestants, so no surprise he was voted off.

"Please don't think that there could be another person alive like him!"

Nice response, but a scary thought!

"So this is the planet Houston"


Yes its true, he starred in a normal episode of the weakest link but was voted off,(no surprise), despite possibly not being the weakest link.
Because of this he acted like a big baby in the little booth where they talk afterwards so they asked him back for the "Sore losers special", which he then won. I think thats about the thust of it anyway.

He's definately a homosexual haha


How on earth did he manage to get through AN ENTIRE EPISODE of 'The Weakest Link' without being voted off???????????


Definitely a homosexual - hilarous - how do you know and why should we care?

Does anyone know of a resource online where I can see his tantrum on the Weakest Link - apparently it was on their website for a while because he was such a stroppy ejut.
