MovieChat Forums > Eggheads (2003) Discussion > 3 Egghead gaffes in one round

3 Egghead gaffes in one round

Today's episode, which I think was a repeat from last year, had 3 incorrect facts stated by the Egghead team in one entertainment round. It was Judith in the question room, though the frequent consulting of the others was done to find out extra "facts":-

1) Subject: film Romancing The Stone. After the correct answer was established, Dermot asked, "was that the film with that awful song When The Going Gets Tough?", they collectively agreed. The song was only in the sequel The Jewel Of The Nile.

2) Subject: BBC sitcom Waiting For God. Along with saying this was one of his favourite shows, CJ stated it ran from 1987-1991. The first runs were 1990-1994.

3) Subject: Fawlty Towers. This is the humdinger! The question was about which sitcom's first episode was entitled A Touch Of Class. The answer Fawlty Towers had CJ reeling plots from two completely different episodes. He referred to the car beating with a large twig- this happened in Gourmet Night, the other especially class-based episode. Then went on to say the "upper-class" guests were eventually sent to eat dinner at the nearby hotel The Gleneagles. This isn't the case, the reason why Basil was out in his car was to pick up the gourmet food from Andre's restaurant in town, as the guest chef he'd hired was drunk. CJ got that plot mixed up with The Builders, where the live-in guests were sent to have dinner at Gleneagles while the kitchen was being worked on. In any case, none of these events he stated actually happened in A Touch Of Class!

They knew the basic answers, but what stunned me was how a programme focusing on knowledge and facts could come out with all this in less than 5 minutes! Maybe the editors kept it all in to make CJ look even more idiotic.

"So this is the planet Houston"
