CJ the stupid

God i hate CJ, hes such an insufferable little know it all, everytime the other team gets a question wrong he has this look, like hes thinking, 'stupid idiots, Its CLEARLY this, how could you POSSIBLY have got it wrong?!?!?!?!?!' (errrr i dunno CJ maybe because they dont spend their time reading the dictionary) .I wonder if he has a girlfriend (or boyfriend) although i doubt it as he cleary loves himself so much theres no room left for a anyone else.
Id love to come on this show just to punch CJ and wipe that teachers pet look off his face, it would be worth so much more than £4000.


But then again they all seem to act like this, in particular Daphne who is always hopping around as if to show everyone she knows the answer and has a really annoying squeaky voice, playing the fragile little granny part.


But Daphne IS a fragile little Granny, and should be treated accordingly.
And by that I mean being pushed down a cliff. *grin*

-. Are You Tense When You Sense There's A Storm In The Air?.-


I'd like to put the eggheads into a pit and only feed them as they answer incredibly easy questions incorrectly. Their pretentious nature would ensure starvation ensued long before the conceited lollards reneged on their 'intelligence'.

CJ would be the first to die of course.


Haha you win!

You and he were...buddies weren't you? Need I say more. Need I say more.


CJ really does look as though he's playing with other team as though they are just puppets. But I have to admit he is disproving the fact that despite the other team being stupid, he too is the worst egghead on the "dream team". I could probably judge out of all the shows ive seen that the eggheads are all generally good in History. But CJ apparently appears to be awful at everything other than that. He does speak in quite a posh accent too. Does get kinda irrating and unnatural that you'd call an smarty pance to be behaving in such a way.


I'm surprised at the number of people that hate CJ; I think he's hilarious. His arrogance is put over in a very funny way. Like when he corrects Dermot about the number of questions he's got right in the series. Plus, he doesn't ramble on as much as Daphne or Chris who i think are the most annoying.

Back in the 90s they used to do a kids special for nearly every game show going. If they ever did a kids special of Eggheads (obviously never lol) I imagine CJ would be like that old Fast show sketch where that bloke used to really enjoy beating his 5 year old daughter at cricket and other games. Don't know what made me think of that haha.


Anybody else think CJ blinks too much?

They're only noodles Michael


yes, well spotted, he does blink too much. He reminds me of anne widdicombe.


I looove Daphne. She is the only one that looks like she could have a laugh.
CJ needs a good slap with a sirloin steak (the steak is essential to this process as he is a vegetarian.)

My roids are on fire!!!


The weakest Egghead is Judith, the posh one who won Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Although it's always either her or CJ who are sat out in the final round.

But seriously, the Eggheads do seem to "fortunately" get the easier questions every time


i absolutely hate chris, he is so arrogant and his love of trains is just sad, he loves to answer the question with a back story cos he thinks it makes him look even more intelligent, add that to his dire impressions of many different characters and you have a really annoying egghead

Britain and England are NOT the same thing, Britain has four regions in it


I like Kevin

"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It's just not really widely reported."


oh god i definitely agree with you that CJ is the worst. i can't stand him! everytime i see his face and the smug look that crosses it when he knows an answer i just want to slap it off!
grr and judith is a close second. and is cj gay or what? those flower print shirts he wears.. *shudders*


Wouldn't normally blast "celebrities" on here but I just watched Eggheads and OMFG wot a smug mu***fu*** CJ is. And Judith too is insufferable. Yes, as previously stated, Chris is like the creepy uncle (LMAO), Daphne is also beginning to irk me.

Kevin, I don't mind, he seems to rather just answer the question than ramble on.

Trouble is, I watch the show, I just can't help it, even though I want to put my fist through the screen every time *beep* J***ey Di Moo is on. I'm actually getting angry thinking about him!!!

Must take a valium.

Though to the OPs point at the top, yes CJ and Daphne are by far the worst two on the team, which is satisfying.

The Tao Of Mr T


i'm watchin one at the mo and the egg heads were really happy as they thought they knew that sos was called cdj before it was sos cj did this whole look to the sky thank you!!! and they got it wrong they only just won on what bigger company does mui mui come from they turned to cj and did he know it *beep* did he, he's crap they only knew it because of kevin who seems to know everything!!!


I just caught an episode the other day - god knows why i watch it, i can't stand any of the eggheads. and i seriously want to punch CJ in the head!! arghhh! and i see that he's gotten himself a haircut.


I don't mind CJ see his expressions when Dermot Reads the Question Eggheads should sack him he losses alot of head to Heads ;)
I like it when They Lose to the other team even get beaten when their all there and only 1 left from the other side :) eggheads dont always get easy Questions
they say umm i dont know i got no idea Since I Started to watch em i';ve seen them lose a dozen times

how many times have we seen CJ with differnt Hair styles. hair cut
i never knew CJ had short hair in ealier episodes i i found it on you tube


what I hate about CJ is that he knows all these movie facts but recently stated that he doesn't have the patience to watch films, he obviously just memorises facts, what an empty existence - I think I know what the C stands for now.


Oh god, yeah...that annoyed me too. The smug git...I felt like shouting 'HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED AT LEAST ONE BLOODY FILM??!!' the weirdo...apart from that, he's like car crash tv...you don't want to watch him, but you do just to see what sarky comment he's going to make next!


I think I know what the C stands for now.

HAHA thank you for saying this. legend.


Perhaps as a challenger, it would be worth pitting against CJ, hoping (Though it's a longshot) that a question about naming a European king would come up. It'd be so worth it to get it spectacularly wrong and say: 'Was it... CJ the Stupid?' (Arrogant may be better).


I like him. He's funny and behaves the most 'normal' in the sense that he doesn't try and hide his smugness thereby coming off smugger like Kevin or Daphne.

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


well, someone had to poppy!! A bit like there'll always be someone who likes spam (I mean the wartime meat!)


I know there's always one!

I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl
