MovieChat Forums > Eggheads (2003) Discussion > Am I the only one who finds CJ hot?

Am I the only one who finds CJ hot?

Have i lost my mind or is there anyone else who can see this? :S



I think CJ thinks he's hot - he used to be a model apparently


What did he model???


Alice bands probably. He used to wear one remember???


His websites here, where he states he modelled for 5 years in Europe and USA.

Apparently he has a book coming out!


I liked the press review:-

"CJ, future Bond villain..." (Alex Marsh, Guardian 2004)

I can see that...sitting in a swivel chair complete with a white, fluff ball of a feline!


what did he model? - motorbike helmets!


I liked the press review:-

"CJ, future Bond villain..." (Alex Marsh, Guardian 2004)

I can see that...sitting in a swivel chair complete with a white, fluff ball of a feline!

Now you've made me imagine a similar scene, but with Daphne's severed white fluff ball of a head on his lap - still grinning...

“Nobody *beep* with the Jesus”


What? Nearly a year, and no further responses to this? He is gorgeous! The years may pass, but I don't change my mind. He is male perfection (and please don't state the obvious, I know).


He nauseates me. Yuk.

Just a painted face on a trip down suicide row


He is quite strange to me but i find him quite interesting too. :)

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