Some Questions

As someone who knows little to nothing about Japanese culture and language, I was wondering if I could get some answers to a couple of questions:

1.) Why is Makoto, who can't be more than fifteen, allowed to live by herself?

2.) Why are a few lines said in English? For instance, when HumanLuna hands pepper to Makoto, she says, "Thank you" and not "Arigato." For that matter, why are the names like "Sailor Moon" and "Sailor Mercury" said in English instead of using the Japanese words for "Sailor" and "Moon"?

I love this show. I'm just someone with a LOT of time on their hands.


She lives by herself if you are talking about the zero act i haven't seen it but later on she lives by herself.

As for the second question ask the person who created them because in the anime is the same.




Could anyone answer these questions?

*Question 1* When Ami was taken away to Queen Beryl's kingdom and turned into Dark Mercury, why didn't her mother notice she was gone? She must have been missing for a few weeks, at least...

*Question 2* Is it normal practice for hospitals to let patients wear their normal clothes in the hospital bed? 'Cause I've always thought (for health and safety reasons, as well as so if there is an emergency they aren't fumbling with your clothes and stuff), that you need to change into a hospital dressing gown as soon as you are admitted.

*Question 3* Did the creators of this show have anything against showing all of the senshi fighting together, or something? Because, unlike the anime, the girls are hardly ever united as one which annoyed me a bit. I guess I'm just used to seeing them work as a team rather then just the four of them (whoever that may be at the time).

One would think that if you were going to fight the darkness of the universe you would need all of the senshis' strength together, + Luna to win. Even in the special act (four years later) Rei was conveniently somewhere else (in hospital) and couldn't fight. And when they tried to get the sword out of the stone there were only three of them when Queen Serenity said that all of the girls' strength would be needed to pull the sword out. So then one of them said "Rei and Usagi" are here in spirit - it just seemed like a cop-out. They should have all been there to get the sword out, in theory.

*Question 4* I thought that Minako died in the last episode, then she came back to life again when the Earth was restored? What's with that? Also, in the special act Mio came back when she was killed in the last episode, too.

Give it a 10:


"*Question 1* When Ami was taken away to Queen Beryl's kingdom and turned into Dark Mercury, why didn't her mother notice she was gone? She must have been missing for a few weeks, at least... "

When Ami became Dark Mercury, she did come to school the next day and brainwashed her classmates, so nobody would be suspicious. It's possible she did the same thing with her mother.

"*Question 4* I thought that Minako died in the last episode, then she came back to life again when the Earth was restored? What's with that?"

I've wondered that, too. Some say that time was turned back, because they show Minako recording 'C'est La Vie" for (allegedly) the first time, but that doesn't make sense to me, cause we also see things happening that wouldn't have happened that long ago, like Ami being so outgoing. She'd still have been shy and avoiding eye contact with people. Not to mention the fact that Minako would still have had her disease! So, yeah, I've been trying to figure that one out, as well.

In regards to my question about Makoto living on her own-Thank you to those who responded, but it still doesn't really answer my question. I'm not asking why she chooses to live on her own-I'm asking why she's ALLOWED to live on her own. In America, there is no way a fifteen year old would be permitted to live by themselves. They'd have Social Services swooping down on them in a millisecond. (Not to mention the fact that I don't know how Makoto affords her apartment. Inheritance, maybe?) But like I said, I don't know much about Japanese culture or housing or child laws or anything like that.


Thanks for giving your opinion on two of questions. :)

Give it a 10:


"*Question 4* I thought that Minako died in the last episode, then she came back to life again when the Earth was restored? What's with that?"

I've wondered that, too. Some say that time was turned back, because they show Minako recording 'C'est La Vie" for (allegedly) the first time, but that doesn't make sense to me, cause we also see things happening that wouldn't have happened that long ago, like Ami being so outgoing. She'd still have been shy and avoiding eye contact with people. Not to mention the fact that Minako would still have had her disease! So, yeah, I've been trying to figure that one out, as well.

It's my understanding that when Usagi used the Silver Crystal that the whole world was reborn/restored. I mean, that's more or less what happened in the original manga and anime, isn't it? The Silver Crystal was used to restored the world and everyone was reborn, because remember in the manga and anime, EVYERONE dies before Metaria is destroyed. Then they're all reborn after Usagi/Princess Serenity uses the Silver Crystal to destory Metaria without their memories to give them a chance at a normal life - again. It's cannon, I wouldn't worry too much about it. It probably means that not only was Minako brought back to life, but her disease was most likely cured.

Life is like a toaster - you gotta be pushed down before you can pop up.




there's also quite a bit of english mixed in the bollywood movies. you can hear some english words...which is also interesting. don't know




Students in Japan nowdays (and for some time, I believe) are required to learn English (it is a high school requirement, for certain). So random English words to be said aren't all that unusual. When I took French in high school, we would often throw in a "merci" or "abientot" here or there. Also, the attack and senshi names are originally in English, and weren't ever used in Japanese as far as I know. Takeuchi probably did this to add some foreign/ different aspects. Japanese music often adds in some English words as well. It's not all that uncommon.

"Everything I do, I do it for you."


Re: My own question about some lines being in English instead of Japanese-I'm wondering if this is simply similar to how someone in America might say a French or Spanish phrase, even if they, themselves, are not French or Spanish.


I don't know Mamoru lives on his own, actually we don't get to meet or know the parents of the other Senshi.


For the storyline... English is the global language and no one could guess where they would be born.


Re: Ami as Dark Mercury, remember that she and her mother rarely saw each other since her mother was so busy with work at the hospital. All Ami would have to do is write on the board that she's fine and her mother would believe her. Also if they're not at home at the same time, her mother would likely assume she's at cram school. Remember the episode where she and Rei are caught by the police? Ami's mother is surprised to find out Ami missed several classes - it's likely those classes were from when she was brainwashed - so she did get suspicious
