MovieChat Forums > Terkel i knibe (2004) Discussion > kudos from mexico to danish youth!!

kudos from mexico to danish youth!!

i wasn't able to believe this movie was classified as a "children's movie" cuz even if i haven't seen it, i know it is violent and sexually explicit (i have seen the trailers). after a few time thinking about this, i realized it is not as bad as it seems. all because of the danish youth itself. as japanese youth, they have shown the grown-ups that they're able to see this kind of violence and sex as nothing out of this world... we mexicans haven't been able to show adults that... or they haven't let us i suppose. kudos for that freedom... mexico is a sad sad country when it comes to ratings and that kind of stuff... we can see all the violence we want on tv but no sex, NO SEX AT ALL! all the good stuff we see (cool movies like "Sin City" or "Visitor Q") we must see it by breaking on theatres or buying "pirate" copies in underground places... sad, really sad. kudos again.

i'm 16 by the way


Actually there's no sex in the main movie, the sex scenes you refer to is only in a teasertrailer for the movie, the one where Uncle Stewart takes over the cinema and puts on a porn movie (in which he himself stars).

The movie is based on a hit radio show on a program called childrens radio. The show is extremely good and a lot of young danes have grown up with it. It takes children quite seriously, even to a point where the ridicule them and makes lot's of fun with them. I myself remember that I liked that when I was a kid. An underground band i Denmark was once asked to make a song to the show and titled the song they made, translated, Children are Stupid and Ugly, which became a big hit.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that children in Denmark are qwuite strong at telling the difference between fiction and real life, and this movie is a good example of how much we can laugh at the horrible things that happens to the kids in the movie but not going out and do the same thing to friends and classmates and whatnot.

This could be my chance to bond and become a valued member of the family


Yeah, Denmark is really like that, the whole muslim world hates Denmark because a newspaper brought funny cartoon drawings of the prophet muhammed. It was a joke, but they took it seriously. Many muslims In Denmark still support the newspapers right to free speach.

Reead more about it here:


The rating was "7 years and older" in the cinemas, and when it was released on DVD they changed the rating into "11 years and older".


Yeah, as a dane, I have to hand it to the danish entertainment indutri. They have always been good at talking with children, instead of just to them. I think it is, as you said, that we trust children more to recognise entertainment for what it is, instead of just assuming that they are nothing but little morons.

At the top of the mountain, we are all Snow Leopards. -Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

