Mos Def acting sucks!!!

Did he get the worst actors award for this one....I dont remember the award?.... The one Halley Berry got for 'Cat Woman'.... Any way i think he truely deserves it!!!


He's the reason I say rappers can act.


How is that when he was an actor before he became a rapper?


I totally disagree, I thought he did an excellent job acting! To me he portrayed his character as honest, loyal, and very humble. I didn't even realize he was a rapper till I recognized the name. What, was he supposed to act thug in the movie? He was amazing!



Oh, BULLSH*T! You obviously have poor taste.

Mos Def is an EXCELLENT (and vastly underrated) actor - and he did a fantastic job in this film, as he does in every film . . . even if the film itself is not so great.

I'm gratified to see that per your opinion of Mr. Def's acting, you are in a minority so small it doesn't even matter.


I agree Mos Def was the heart and soul of this movie. I believe had this film been released in the theaters, he would have most definitely been nominated for an Academy award. His acting was subtle yet very powerful and spoke volume about the character he portrayed. I thought he did a great job in Cadillac Records too. I know some people are turned off by his personality, (it’s true he does come across like an a$$hole) but if you can separate the man from the actor, you will see he is actually an extraordinary, underrated actor he really is.

Due to recent cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off until further notice!


You dumb silly kid, his acting in this movie was great!


are you kidding? he was great! And if you want to see him in an even better performance (although a much much smaller one) check out The Woodsman... he has one monologue that is chilling!

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Its people like you that are truly a fuc**ng moron! Mos Def made this movie, he is a great actor. The next time you have a thought! Don't act on it!


^^^what this beautiful person said^^^
*high five*


I'm not at all sure that Mos Def has great versatility as an actor, but I think he did a great job in this role. His subtlety and understatement were probably perfect for projecting the kind of quiet dignity that Vivien Thomas possessed throughout his life.

And when I say I'm not sure about Mos Def's versatility, I'm saying that mostly out of ignorance. I haven't seen much of his work.

Badgers? We don't need no stinkin' badgers! But if you could show us something in a nice possum...


"Quiet dignity." I like that. The thing I like best about the roles I've seen Mos Def play is how he kinda underplays it. He either doesn't have much range or he only plays characters that are super chill. I happen to like chill people, so I really like the characters I've seen him play and always wonder why I don't see him in more things. But I did have to laugh at the scenes with the doctor who was hard of hearing. They had two very soft-spoken actors with Mos Def and Alan Rickman. I imagined that doctor was constantly saying, "huh? what'd you say? speak up!" ...if the real people were as soft-spoken as the actors.


Watch Bamboozled. Nothing "chill" about that performance.
