Most Unlikable Moment

While everyone loves having the "Hot Take" of Jim and Pam were terrible people, and poor Dwight was always being picked on, lets be honest everybody on the show had some pretty bad moments. Some were downright horrible. But lets go thru for everyone and list what you consider the moment where they were least likable. Do as many characters as you want, but limit one per person.

And let me save everyone the trouble of typing this joke "Gee just one? There's so many to choose from! HAHAAHAHAHA!"

Jim: Dumping Katy on the booze cruise. Sure he could dump her if he wanted too, but not while she's stuck on boat with you and your coworkers, none of whom she really knows well. And you probably had to drive her home too.

Pam: Disrupting the meeting and the work place as a whole after finding out about her mother and Michael. I can understand her initial freak out, and it was good she went out to the parking lot. But she needed to compose herself before she returned to the office, or go home.

Michael: Dumping Pam's Mom on her birthday because he finally realized how old she actually was. Doesn't justify Pam's behavior, but she was right.

Dwight: Carrying a gun in a hoister around the office, and having it accidentally go off near Andy.

Andy: Refusing to sign a letter of recommendation so Nellie could adopt.

Angela: Not only allowing Dwight and Andy to duel for her, but getting turned on by it.

Ryan: Basically threatening to fire Jim, because he was dating Pam.

Toby: Putting his hand on Pam's leg.

Phyllis: Outing Angela for her affair with Dwight in front of the whole office at the Christmas Party. I get having to expose her, but that should have only been done to Andy, not everyone except Andy.

Stanley: Disrespecting Michael in front of everyone in "Did I Stutter!?"

Meredith: Refusing to admit her alcoholism, even after setting her hair on fire at the Christmas party.

Kelly: Faking performance reports to cost Dwight and Jim their bonuses.

Oscar: Sleeping with Angela's husband.

Creed: Weaseling out of responsibility for the offensive water mark, and getting some lady at the paper plant fired.

Darryl: Assuming he would get the manager job, because he was friends with Jim and Toby, and was the only black candidate.

Gabe: Trying to get Helen to fire Andy, since Erin dumped Gabe for him.

Erin: Dumping Gabe at the Dundies.

Jan: Accusing Michael of drugging her, after they spent the night together.

Karen: Trying to hire Stanley away from Scranton, out of pettiness that Jim dumped her for Pam.

Holly: Believing that Kevin was mentally challenged, and overly defending him when Angela was yelling at him.

Roy: Charging into the office to beat up Jim. Even though he had already known about him kissing Pam for more than a whole day. By that point he should have had enough time to calm down, especially after trashing the bar.


It has certainly become clear as time has gone by how horrible many of the characters on this show were. I really almost can't even watch it anymore.


It’s true but just as in Seinfeld , these characters work well as a unit! They all deserve each other and their eccentricities , if you can call them that.🙄
Creed has to have the WORST moment as he implies he has taken “ Creed Bratton’s “identity. We are not quite sure if he murdered him or not?
He is a riot !!


The fact that Stanley’s most unlikable moment was his “Did I stutter?” moment should mean he’s one of the most likable there.

That was a totally useless meeting, like 90% of Michael’s meetings. Plus, Michael was practically harassing him to participate in a pointless activity.


Oh that episode and Stanley’s response makes me cringe! I actually can feel the embarrassment felt by Michael! What a scene.


He cheated on his wives multiple times. That’s pretty abhorrent behavior.


Phyllis had far worse moments. Ruining the meeting of the finer things club...telling Pam she can assign calls based on who she's sleeping with.

Is there a best moment thread? I love when Phyllis googles "How to deal with difficult people."


She was warned


Jim: Kissing Pam when she has a fiancée

Michael: Telling Scott’s tots that he couldn’t pay their tuition. This might have been the hardest moment to watch Period.

Dwight: The fake fire drill. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal, and he could’ve potentially killed everyone.

Angela: Sleeping with Dwight while she was engaged to Andy. Oscar sleeping with her husband was karma.

Darryl: This is more of an extension of above, but when the warehouse crew won the lottery, and he refused to do his job, and challenged Andy to fire him. I like that Andy called him out on his bs

Erin: Dumping Andy for being engaged to Angela. WTF?

Jan: making Michael get 3 vasectomies, then getting artificially inseminated while they were together, and then still not allowing him to be in the child’s life.


How Michael treats Toby. It's very out of character.


that's what i liked most about the show.
every character felt pretty real .. with their own selfish/asshole moments..


Todd: Standing behind Dwight while he's bent over and pretending to have sex with him from behind.

Michael: Trying to frame Toby for having drugs in his desk.

Michael/Holly: Announcing that a branch of Dunder-Mifflin was shutting down at an company picnic.

Gabe: Paying Andy to stop seeing Erin.


Michael: after putting down the fat guy (who was he) in the meeting room, firing him when he finally spoke up for himself after min's of abuse.


everybody on the show had some pretty bad moments. Some were downright horrible.

I pretty much disliked the personnel in total. I doubt that was the idea of the writers/production staff. Not liking everyone probably isn't a winning formula, but it worked. What worked for me was 1-2 moments of comedy in the 24min show that was unique and you wouldn't see any where else. Just much more subtle than the competition.
