
Does any one know if he's the bad guy, and so yes does he have long hair?? *drool*

-xxx- jacky

Why... don’t... you... prove it


I don't know if he's the good guy or the bad guy, but I saw a pic of him and Tim Roth on the set in costumes. Jason is wearing a red coat and has a powdered wig on tied back with a black bow. The coat is very "Tavington", lol, but longer. It hangs down to nearly his knees. Tim Roth is wearing a brown period costume.


Technically, depending on which point of view the movie is from, and think its right to assume it is the French, will decide if Jason is good or bad. So looking Jason is playing an English guy and he will probably be 'bad'.

boingo... can you tell me where you saw that picture by any change?



Well, Isaacs is playing Wolfe which in Quebec history was the english general during the battle of the"Plaines D'Abraham"...As far as being a French Canadian from Quebec I wouldn't say that wolfe was a bad guy cause we went on English juridiction afterwards...during the 18th century and the 19century I think ( me and history...

And Jason will speak French man that is so Kicka**
Yak Yak Yak Yak Yak
-The Martians in Mars Attacks

