release date

ok,does anyone know when Nouvelle France is coming to theatres? it's driving me crazy! i can't wait any longer to see it!


I absolutly agree im dieing to see it and if they dont release it in Australia, i think i'll cry!


Vote One Jason for Vampire!



We are just in the midst of verifying the end credits - on paper. With a little luck, it could be out at some point this Fall - or maybe around Christmas time. Being at the far end, I do not really know. Difficult financing, challenging shoot, long post-production. Expect an original version in French and an original version in English - although the British pictured in the film speak only English. Note that Jason Issacs plays General James Wolfe...


November 19


novermber 19 2005 or 2004 or what? if it's this year..that comes out this friday and ive heard nothin about it


It is November 19th today, and I can't find this film anywhere. Can you, or anyone out there be more precise on the release dates? Particularly for the USA where I dwell.


I guess you'll have a hard time finding this movie in the United-States... just like every french-canadian movies, even though this one is a collaboration (I've just seen the movie and let's just say that the English part is somewhat relegated to the second plan).


its the release date for Québec it might take a bit more time for USA but I pretty sure you will get it :P


Help me i'm going insane!!!

Does anyone know when the release date for England is. It was released in Quebec in november. And then France in Febuary but i've benn searching everywhere and can't find a single cinema in teh uk that knows anything about it please please help me!
