DVD release?

When is the release date of this movie on DVD?

Quelqu'un sait quand ce film sera mis en vente format DVD?

I heard that it did not do to good on the box office and the reviews were not that nice.
Dommage, je vais l'acheter de tout facon pour me faire ma propre opinion.

Si les Quebecois voudraient faire un bon film d'epoque avec beaucoup de tragedie qui piquerait la curiosite du monde, ils devraient faire un film sur Etienne Brule le coureur des bois. :)


Un Canadien francais en exil,


i'm not sure, but its only opening in France August 2005 and it still has to open in England sice its also a British film. So not soon by the looks of it.
(sorry my French isnt very good so i cant translate)


Est-il s'ouvrant aux Etats-Unis ?

Is it opening in the United States?



In the United States...Don't know, but why not!

Pour le DVD qui va sortir, je cherche justement des informations la dessus... J'ai rien trouver malheureusement. Reste a checker ça. J'aimerais bien le revoir.

Une québecoise bien francophone qui habite la ville où tout s'est passer.
A french girl from Quebec city who lives in the city where all happens.


Ma mère travaille dans un vidéo, et a eu accès au magazine des film qui vont bientôt sortir, et il sort le 11 Octobre, au Canada! Une amie m'en a aussi parler quelques jours avant! Elle l'a trouvé sur un site comme "amazone" lol

My mon works in a video store, and had acess to magazine of all the movies who will be out soon, and this one will be out on October 11th in Canada! A friend og mine told me about it some days before! She has found in a website like "amazone" lol



It should have come out on DVD here in the U.S. yesterday, November 7th.


J'ai regardé ce film dans mon cours d'histoire sur DVD. Je déteste tellement quands les sous-titres ne peuvent pas être enlevés. J'ai remarqué que c'était en français avec des sous-titres en anglais. J'assume que ce ne faisait pas car mes camarades ont essayés de l'enlever.


Is this movie in English, subtitled, dubbed in English, French, or what???? I'm interested, but, can't speak or understand a word of French(sorry) and can't stand subtitles. Much of the cast appears to be French, so, what should I know before I spend the coin???? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


I have a copy of the DVD under the title "Battle of the Brave" in front of me and on the back it says it is in English with English subtitles. I watched bits of a few chapters and it appears to be in English for the most part with some sections in French with white subtitles.


"Battle of The Brave"?!


I got this movie from Netflix and watched it tonight. Yes, the movie is in English. English subtitling is available on the DVD, but you can choose to turn the subtitles off.
I can't figure out why, in the USA, they titled this movie "Battle of the Brave." Makes no sense to me. Does anyone know how this came about?


yeah battle of the brave
its called over here
ive just rentied it i hope it gonna be good
