MovieChat Forums > Dave the Barbarian (2004) Discussion > DISCUSSION TOPIC FOR DAVE FANS ONLY


Who is your favorite character? Mine is Fang. She is so funny! I also like Lula and Uncle Oswitch.

:-D Kelz


mine would be
1. Fang
2. Dave
3. Faffy



I like the pony. He talks like Christopher Walken and has that depressing side that is just funny.


I like.....

1.Chuckles the silly Piggie
2.Then the Sword(I forgot what it was called)
3.The Evil Prinsess (I also forgot her name)


I love Fang! It took me forver to figure out that her voice was from Animaniacs!

Faffy is hilarious too! This show is so random, yet so hilarious at the same time. It's most def not for people with no scence of humor for randomness.

Dave is SO funny with all his little crafts!


I like dave and faffy and the pig is pretty kewl!


Yes! Twinkle slays me..

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the Christopher Walken likeness. The depressing side is a comment on Walken's roles - he's always typecast as a heavy or a character with a very dark side... it's contrasted with the fact that he used to be a dancer (hence the name "Twinkle", as in "twinkletoes".) It's a fabulous send-up, that (I think) only a few people get.

Princess Candy is a close second for favourites.

I don't find Dave terribly funny though, mostly just obvious jokes... and I find Chuckles somewhat annoying.



i LOVE dave! i think he's really cute and funny. i love how it acts so feminine and like to cook, and do oragami. lol. its hilarious


I like all the Characters

"FUEL INJECTION!"-Freddy Krueger

The Dream Child

Captain Gundam!

Freddy's Dead


Chuckles the silly piggie and Fang.

What the world needs now is love


I completely love Twinkle the Marvel Horse. He is hilarious.

"I had that dream again: the one where I do terrible things to penguins with a croquet mallot." -- Twinkle the Marvel Horse

"We've got to get you out of that stable more." -- Princess Candy


Dave is definately my favorite. He's such an adorable collection of opposites - he's big and beefy but likes to sing folk music, knits, and loves to clean the castle.

I think fang is my second favorite, and then the Narrator. He's just as much of a character as the rest.

Trees are people too!



Chuckles the Silly Piggy!



The Sprite of the Stump. The man.

Does anyone know who voices him? I heard his voice before, but can't remember where.



Small question. Dallymonkeymachine17, if you think the show is stupid, why are you looking it up on the internet? Usually people try to stay away from things they don't like. So what's the deal? Do you really like the show and don't want to admit it cause you're scared you'll look like the ass you are?


I like Dave, I make my boyfriend watch him so he'd be more sensitive and Dave-like.

A Proud Chaucerette of the SCS: Sexy Chaucer Society


Dear Idiotface,

(AKA Dallymonkeymachine17)
Why are you looking up TV shows that you hate on the internet? Also, if you REALLY hate this show why are you quoting jokes from it in your post? Steve the egg was funny bucause He was explaining something, and he said something that had nothing to do with anything, and they understood. So, Idiotface, I believe that you have painted yourself into a corner. With your tears. Your tears are now officially paint, and because you were crying in a corner about the fact that you may actually like this show and are just afraid to admit it so that your little friends wont think youre stupid, so your Painty, Painty tears flung themselves all over the room and now youre crying some more because youve cried yourself into a corner, and if you really DO hate this show, then stick to looking up mindless, violent anime shows that you can learn the alphabet just my listening to the Title, and the release Date of Mindless, Violent Video Games such as Halo that have completely random titles. And by the way, Jessica Simpson did not actually think Buffalo wings came from flying buffaloes, but they wrote that on a cue card so people think that she has an Idiotface Brain like you, even though Im sure that YOU did think that. So Shut up, Grow up, and START ACTING LIKE YOU HAVE A PAIR!!


PS: I know that it doesnt have to be a letter, Idiotface, Twas just a merry jest.


I don't think it is we who need check ups, we have everything in order, however Grinches like yourself could use a two week vacation. Go back to watching the quality television spoilsports like- crime dramas, reality shows and "Dancing with the Stars".

Stop spoiling other other people's fun Scrooge!


i love Candy's flying horse. the way he looks so happy with his colours yet he is so deppressed and he talks like Christopher Walken the guy who was the headless horseman on SLEPPY HOLLOW, with Johnny Depp.


The Narrator; Just as with Rocky & Bullwinkle, Sheep and the Big City, and Tokyo Pig, fourth-wall-breaking Narrators are always great fun! =D


Every single character needs to be SHOT with a bazooka!!

SpongeBob ROCKS!!!

