Who is the girl in 'da funk'?

Anybody know who the girl in the daft punk video is, and if she's been in anything else? Oh, and what is David Cross in?


i dont know who the girl is, but David Cross is in lots of things, most recent i think, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and 'Arrested Development' on TV. He does Voice over work for Computer games also.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.


the girl you speak of is... catherine kellner...

i found out her name when i bought the daft punk dvd entitled D.A.F.T.-A story about dogs andriods firemen and tomatoes... i highly suggest finding it.. it has 5 videos on it: around the world(michel gondry) fresh(never released, directed by daft punk..spike jonze is in this video) burnin(never released..director:seb joniak) da funk(spike jonze) and the coolest piece of footage i have ever witnessed since come to daddy, revolution 909 (director: roman coppola.. his grandmother is in this video, and cooks a real recipe from the coppola family for spaghetti sauce)

unfortunately, i found it used, as it was only released in holland and the uk...

good luck finding this gem!!

p.s. no.. im not in the u.k., i just find cool *beep* like this on my own...


dude just go to a virgin megastore or even a tower records to find "D.A.F.T.-A story about dogs andriods firemen and tomatoes". I bought it a few years back for only $14.99.
