MovieChat Forums > Sicko (2007) Discussion > If Cuba is so great than why did thousan...

If Cuba is so great than why did thousands of people try or did leave?

Im not saying the place is a piece of crap but he made me think that we thought the place was some heaven on earth. I mean I get we over dramatizes it but still, if it were so awesome as Moor makes it look than why did thousands of citizens leave or try to leave. My neighbor is from Cuba, his family wasnt involved with the military or gov, yet they still didnt like his family. So his family went to great lengths to get the heck out. He and his dad were lucky because they were of direct Spanish decent so they got Spanish citizenship that spain offered to later generation cubans at the time. Him and his dad fled to spain than to the US where they met up with his mom and her side who had a tougher time escaping.

Moore left out some stuff is all im saying, and they may give free health care but I seriously doubt that hospital didnt know they were coming and doubt even more that if they were the average citizen that they would have been helped so fast. And maybe they werent but the editing made it looked like they were in and out in less than a few hours.


IIRC most people left Cuba in the 1960's after Castro came to power, then in 1970's and 80's with the Mariel Boatlift. So this was well before health care owul have been an issue in Cuba or the United States- it was cheap in both places back then.

I don't think Moore is arguing that Cuba is overall better than the US, in fact I think Cuba's troubles are a key to the ironic point he makes- Cuba is a 3rd-world developing country that's been dyufunctional for decades, and yet even Cuba is better able to provide for its citizens health care than the United States, which is supposedly a rich First-World nation. Basically it's underlining how embarrassing a failure the USA has been on such a basic issue, to be outdone even by Cuba on such a basic policy. This is even before we consider countries like Korea, France, the Nordics and what-not that are First-World and with far better systems, and nobody goes broke due to medical bills.

The costs of US healthcare and health insurance company exploitation are so severe- like a protection racket with executives pocketing multimillion dollar salaries while contributing far less than eg. a cop, firefighter or teacher- that Americans don't want to start businesses or go out on their own, since health insurance would be so expensive. Also the health insurance problem makes recessions even worse for the US economy, since if people lose their health care from work, their premiums go way up when they don't have the income to provide for it. This is one of the all-time stupidest policies a country has ever come up with for something like this, basically a way to gut a consumer economy. The fact that it's the United States that's done this, just goes to show how much of a total failure our political system has become, that it's failing to fix it.


I don't think Moore is arguing that Cuba is overall better than the US, in fact I think Cuba's troubles are a key to the ironic point he makes- Cuba is a 3rd-world developing country that's been dyufunctional for decades, and yet even Cuba is better able to provide for its citizens health care than the United States, which is supposedly a rich First-World nation. Basically it's underlining how embarrassing a failure the USA has been on such a basic issue, to be outdone even by Cuba on such a basic policy. This is even before we consider countries like Korea, France, the Nordics and what-not that are First-World and with far better systems, and nobody goes broke due to medical bills.

Exactly. 

Give to Causes For Free:


Especially since Cuba is a communist country and the US is supposedly democratic though it actually is borderline corruption


Nobody said that Cuba is great in all ways, or that it's a better country than the US. The film's message is that some aspects of Cuba's health care system are better than ours, and that we should try to learn from them. That's all.



But Palin is a moron.

Eat the Neocons.


Wake up!!! Michael Moore is just making movies NOT documentaries. It's all either fiction or 'reality' presented in a very convinient way -for him obvioulsy- pretty much like the media does.

