MovieChat Forums > Sicko (2007) Discussion > Feeling very pleased to be in New Zealan...

Feeling very pleased to be in New Zealand right now!

The first half of this movie brought me to tears. Seeing story after story of people losing their dignity and in some cases the lives of their loved ones, because of the messed up health system in the U.S.A.
I picked up my blood pressure prescription from my doctor today - cost was $0. Then went to the chemist to get tablets for 90 days - cost was $3 (NZ).
This medication keeps me alive. After seeing "Sicko" I suddenly realise how lucky I am to be living in a country where health is considered a human right.


Yes, this movie is bringing tears-of-joy to people all over the world, thanking their lucky stars that they don't have to live in the healthcare-impaired nation of U.S.A. (what's the term for a country afflicted with a diseased healthcare system - healthcareopathy?)


I'm British but I've lived in New Zealand for quite a while now. I'm so glad that I've lived places where I will never be denied healthcare no matter what. This is particularly important because my family is horribly accident prone and one of us always seems to be in the hospital for some injury/illness. Its crazy to me that the US just lets people die like this for the sake of saving money. Why do they seem to demonize universal health care?? Are they that brainwashed??

I like pigs. Dogs look up to you, cats down on you. Pigs treat you as equals.


yup. some are brainwashed and the others are paid to keep it that way.


New Zealand does NOT have universal healthcare or subsidized medicines for non-residents. Here is a story to rival those in "Sicko": 2439


You posted this seven years after the original post and reference two things which the original poster doesn't claim to. Even now, I'm writing this three years after you. Governments change. Even the article you linked was from six years after the original post. Healthcare IS practically free for citizens and perm residents. It's not perfect and possibly no where as open as others, but it's far, far better than the US system.

Still, a very sad story. Truly.


@twosizzle - Uhh ... OP posted in 17 Feb 2012, I posted in May 2012, the news article I quoted is from March 2011. The only date you have correct is that you are posting 3 years after me. :)


Crap man, my sincere apologies. I took one look at the Member since date and assumed that, lol.


i thought lucky i'm in australia, but i can't help but fear that we may be heading down the same road.


@ bluemilkbluemilk Fear not mate, our Medicare isn't going anywhere. If anything, our healthcare is being increased to include more dental coverage.


Tony Abbott is trying to destroy medicare


@ablurt_55 And in response, the Australian electorate is trying to destroy Tony Abbott and some of his mates in the process - and doing a pretty good job of it so far, I might add. 


@smoko haha so true. Giving a knighthood to prince phillip best idea ever 👍


The thing in Australia is that if you are a working adult live in an upper middle class or wealthy area, bulk billing doctors are rare, so you're always out of pocket at least $40 or $50, whilst other areas they at least can visit a doctor and it's completely covered by Medicare. Luckily the co-op payment proposal by the Liberal Party (Australian Republican/ Conservative equivalent) was over turned or many pensioners would have struggled to visit the doctor as often as they required
