MovieChat Forums > Sicko (2007) Discussion > Shouldn't need it!

Shouldn't need it!

If you take care of yourself, you shouldn't need heath insurance to begin with!! Stop being so obese and learn how to ride a bike. Stop drinking soda and stop smoking. People throughout history lived just fine without "health insurance." You want to know how they did it? They ate well and lived an active life.

If you find you need health insurance, it's because you are making stupid life decisions. It's YOUR fault.


And had a life expectancy of 50 years.

And, obviously you've never had an accident that was not your fault. Or known anyone who got cancer while living a healthy life, or find out as a child that they are type-1 diabetic, or got something pesky like strep throat (that used to be fatal before science fixed that), or any other things that do not really fit your little narrative.



How do people account for this guy
who lived past the age of 90, two hundred years before advanced hospitals existed?


Was that when people who were 40 looked 70?

Nowadays we have 70 year old act like 30 year olds.


Poor Arla you are clearly a very ignorant person.


You are. All I am trying to say is that if you take care of yourself, you do not need health insurance. Simple. How is this so hard to understand? Don't drink a tub of Mountain Dew everyday, and don't sit on your ass 18hrs/day.

If you are healthy, your human body has an amazing ability to heal itself without any sort of artificial super-expensive medical "help." It's been proven time and time again that most medical "science" is quackery.


Appendicitis and asthma are caused by stupid life decisions, huh?


And when they got sick, they typically just died. Injuries that are trivial now killed people back then.

See heart attacks, cancer, strokes, broken bones etc happen to healthy active people. They may happen more often to people who are less careful with their health, but they do happen to healthy people. When you get sick you go to the doctor for treatment, and without coverage you pay through the nose. This is a problem. Injuries and illness are bad enough, do they have to come hand in hand with financial ruin?


Cigarettes and soda cause all of the health problems in this country, right dumbass?

Meanwhile we have people working in coal mines in North Dakota inhaling Lord knows how many carcinogens...but that's OK....they chose to work there.



*beep* you.


If you take care of yourself, you shouldn't need heath insurance to begin with!! Stop being so obese and learn how to ride a bike. Stop drinking soda and stop smoking. People throughout history lived just fine without "health insurance." You want to know how they did it? They ate well and lived an active life.

If you find you need health insurance, it's because you are making stupid life decisions. It's YOUR fault.

That is ridiculous logic, and this is why liberals are trying to get coverage for all Americans. Because most of you think like that.

I'm a perfectly healthy 22 year old, but two years ago in a freak accident I crushed my finger at work. The fact that I'm in perfect health didn't make my finger any less crushed, and it didn't hurt having insurance either.

And you clearly don't know how people dealt with accidents and diseases before. I'll give you a hint - it involved a rusty saw and a rag to bite down on. But most of them died before getting the chance to have any limbs chopped off.

On second thought you might be a troll, if so - kudos!


Don't work at jobs that put your health at risk. Simple!


What if you're walking down the street and a car crashes into you? Is it your fault bc you left the house? What if you're 80 years old and your body starts winding down bc of old age? Should you just kill yourself to save yourself health premiums?

You're obviously a very young and naive person who assumes you're invincible, will never get sick, will never have an accident, will never get old, and doesn't have an ounce of sympathy for other human beings.


If someone hits you while you are crossing the road, their auto insurance pays for it. Problem solved.

I am not ignorant. It's a well known historical fact that if you keep your body healthy you will not need some BS thing called "health insurance" which isn't insurance at all. It's a hidden tax on idiots who can't take care of themselves.


So you expect everybody to have insurance for their cars but not their health? You're honestly placing more value on a car than your own body? That's ludicrous.


Obviously you're one of the FREE RIDERS who expects the rest of us to pay for your hospital stay if something does happen to you, which could happen because you're human. I don't want ignorant fools like you to gamble on my money forcing me to have to pay more for my insurance. I don't plan on having a car accident & I also don't plan on bad health, but I'm smart enough to have insurance if something does happen. Pay your fine & don't whine. The $95.00 you'll have to pay isn't much. You still won't have healthcare, but according to you you'll never need it. At least you'll have to contribute something towards the healthcare of your country. Tough luck.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.


I'm Canadian, fyi, and glad of it when I hear all the bad news going on in down there.

I'm just an observer on the mess your country is in, wondering what kind of society can be so self-centered and uncaring to their fellow man. It's like you'd step over a dying person lying in the street while muttering that it was somehow their fault for being sick and having no money.. the two greatest sins to have in the States these days.

Yes I pay taxes that help pay for the health care for others, just as they do for me. What the hell is wrong with that? Seems like only selfish people have a problem with it.


What about having a baby?

Obi-Wan is my hero!


Wasting taxes on idiots who can't take of themselves is a complete joke. Maybe if Canada realized this they would have more tax dollars to spend in their own defense rather than relying on the United States. The only reason why you "Kanucks" have "free" healthcare is because the US Military subsidizes your lifestyle.

Canadians are pond scum if you ask me. Not once do they take a second to thank the United States for their defense. Nor do the Canadians ever pay tribute to the United States. If the world had to rely on Canada to stand up for themselves, Hitler would still be in power, Iraq would have annexed Kuwait, and gas prices would be unaffordable for all but the top 1%.


*backs away slowly*


Americans ... they can put a man on the moon (and how much did THAT cost the U.S. taxpayer?) but they can't have universal healthcare like the rest of the civilized world.


Technically Yeah, If you exercise and eat Healthy you shouldn't get sick.
Eat Healthy.... Eath Healthy foods...
What are healthy foods? Like veggies and fruits. right? And Drink a lot of water.
So you could only eat vegetables and still could end up sick from all the GMO and pesticides the food has. tap Water has Fluoride which can cause you to get sick.
If you live in a big City like New York or Chicago or something. All those pollutants will make you sick. car pollutants.
So, Technically if you lived in a freaking farm, If you grow your own food, if you have no access to cars, if you have clean water. then yes you would be healthy.
Problem is there are a lot of factors that you didn't think about. Like how the fruits you eat can make you sick.



Half the people were not lucky to live to 50. People lived to an old age for a long time. If someone made it through childhood they normally lived to a ripe old age. It was sickness at a young aged that dropped the average life span. The vaccines and antibiotics we have nowadays is the main difference.
