Sequel Suggestion

Since he revisited Police Story in NPS, how about revsiting Crime Story for the sequel and simply call it "New Crime Story"? I thought Jackie gave one hell of a performance in Crime Story and should consider more challenging roles especially now that he's getting older. Here's a story suggestion: since internet predators are becoming such a huge problem, how about a plot involving internet predators and human trafficing? Please anything else but the boring "stupid cops vs smart bad guys" junk. Just a small suggestion. Any other ones? Feel free to comment!

"Because anything else would be uncivilized."
-Hulk Hogan, Old Spice commercial


Internet predators and human trafficking both exist, but are exaggerated WAY out of proportion in the sensationalist media (sex sells, ya know). The fewer movies we have hyping it still more, the better.

That said, could somebody PLEASE put Jackie Chan on the zero gravity plane before he dies or retires? You know, that plane can do Lunar gravity, too.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


I agree that putting something into a movie because it's so modern and trendy to talk about is a stupid idea. The most stupid thing about New Police Story was the whole computer-thing in the storyline, just like in the case of Rocky Balboa and Die Hard 4.0, released a few years later. It just cheapens the movie.

That said, could somebody PLEASE put Jackie Chan on the zero gravity plane before he dies or retires? You know, that plane can do Lunar gravity, too.

I'm not exactly sure why would you want that?


Because things can be done in low and in zero gravity which can not be done in full gravity. And because Jackie Chan can do amazing things. Imagine: a martial arts scene where the hero jumping over three people's heads is realistic. Fully 3-dimensional fighting. And not with wires or trampolines, but he actually DOES it. And so can his opponents.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


If it's done in zero or low gravity, it's not amazing anymore, since everybody can do that. The cool thing was about Jackie that back in his heyday he could do his stuff all alone. With wires, trampoline or zero gravity the magic is gone.


He'd be able to do things that not everybody could do. Heck, even I could manage a cartwheel, right here on full-G Earth, if I gave it a few weeks of practice and was willing to risk my shoulder. But a GYMNAST can do amazing things. In zero-G anybody can float around, but an acrobatic man could do amazing things.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


I'm afraid this thing wouldn't have the effect you expect because others would look better too, so the difference between Jackie vs. a normal person would be the same. And again, if you see something that Jackie couldn't possibly do the magic is gone.

Only one thing would work I guess: to use it only as a slight assistance for his stuff while everyone else acting normal and not taking advantage of the lower gravity at all. Then it would be substitution of subtle wirework, expect it'd look a bit more natural.


At this point, there's really no way to know for sure which of us is right. I want to find out.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart
