Plot holes?

Did this one even have much of a plot? The worst part was when the 2004 ship and the 2204 space ship were both being searched at the same time flashing back and forth. And what motivated those villains? Where were they going to go from there? To blackmail the world with the deadly virus? Renée could have been saved just before she was shot so the time traveler wouldn't have had to show up out of the blue and win her all over again.

Drake Straw



That was a good point regarding the villains' motivation; they mutinied so that they could engage in profit, as they explained, but it wasn't made clear as to why it would have been advantageous to allow the bacterial disease to spread.

As far as how the Dolph character could have prevented Renée from getting shot, I don't think so. Dolph didn't know when or how Renée could have gotten shot, because once he traveled back to the past with his cohorts, Renée's fate was changed. Thus Dolph could only watch helplessly as Renée lay dying. The only way he could have saved her was to travel back in time once again (six months earlier, as the film's epilogue made clear), so that he could not exactly "win her over" as you wrote (since Dolph had no intention of sticking around for her love; remember, he disappeared once he convinced her to forego the excursion), but to save her life.

Yet in the screenwriters' decision to salvage the "downer" ending (death of the heroine), we emerge with the biggest plot hole of them all. In fact, Dolph's decision to save Renée's life pretty much undid all that went on before, possibly even ruining the purpose of his mission. We all know from time travel films (BACK TO THE FUTURE, etc.) that once you fiddle with one little thing, the course of history could be changed. Once Renée removed herself from the excursion, all that we saw that happened in the movie could not have happened. A new course of history was set. This could well mean that the deadly meteor particles were found by the ship's crew, unleashing the bacteria. Flash forward to the year 2209, and the period of Dolph's real time could have been infected in much the same way as when he originally took off to save the world. All to save the life of one woman, the love of whom Dolph was not even interested in.

So Dolph not only led the world to catastrophe, he didn't even get laid. Dolph Lundgren. Still all brawn and no brains.

