MovieChat Forums > My Big Fat Independent Movie (2005) Discussion > My Favorite Jokes from this Brilliant mo...

My Favorite Jokes from this Brilliant movie!

i'm not about to start debating with people about how bad or how good this movie is, i just think its hilarioius that some of you are compalaing about the plot or acting in something like this. anyway, theres alot of stupid hit or miss jokes here, alot of misses, but the hits were brilliant even though most of them made fun of some of my favorite movies.

the opening scenes is priceless..."what am i doing"..."i'm jerking off"..."no wait...."

swingers guy was funny, specially how insecure he sounded. kind of like one of your droky friends trying to do a vince vaughn line from the movie. "you're so money" lol. best part was when he got exited about "vegas Baby!"

Pulp fiction characters were funny at times. "the *beep* dialog" LOL. the 1st random white guy getting killed. guy in the trunk, lol.

reservoir dogs "mr. blue..etc" was weak, but "i thought this was a guy richie fiml...Bollucks!" classic.

Amelie was brillie, reflected the actually movie for me, a retarded french girl running around doing stupid stuff for no apperant reason. so true.

Jay on the answering machine, always funny.

Pi, jews, and the roast beef sandwich, classic again!!!!

muholladn dr. lesbian scene and the key was funny.

others weren't so great, Good girl was corny, Magnolia corny, christopher walken, spike lee impresonators not so funny, despoprados was bad but i did like "the message" of the movie about subtitles and commentary.

run, lola, run kind of captured that movie too, just a dumb girl running.

another classic was "the mechanic"

but the one that takes the cake has to be all the memento cracks. "do i tell you about my condition". even though kenny g killed my wife was all that great.

like i said, alot of hit or miss, alot of cornball jokes, but the good ones were really funny.


The Memento opening & closing are the only things that made me laugh.

"Do you know when I knew George Takei was gay? When he set his phaser to fabulous"!
Willam Shatner



doesnt matter because it wasnt funny


I think your piss-poor grammar and punctuation is pretty funny. CORNBEEF or ROASTBEEF, you're still an idiot.


I really liked the Waking Life spoof of the director talking in the backseat of the car. It was decent, even though I know there were a lot of references I did not get.

"Stay positive and love your life!" -311


...grammar and punctuation "are" pretty funny. Douche.


*corned beef



you kind of gave yourself away when you described run, lola, run and amelie, as YOU see them.


I loved the narration of "ANOMALIE" is very brilliant: "ytumamatambiendondeestalabibliotèesmuyestupitè" jajajaja



great points, all. i especially ABSOLUTELY agree w/u abt the opening "memento" scene! HILARIOUS! i laughed SO hard! actually, most of the 'memento' jokes were funny to me.

good summary, imo, & very true: "a lot of hit or miss, a lot of cornball jokes, but the good ones were really funny."


i really loved the whole: "its not sexual, its artistic" thing.

Only the dark one opens and closes the door to Silent Hill ~ Dahila Gillespie


I liked the "I sleep around with other men, which I know sounds immoral, but because I'm a female taking control of her sexuality it's actually empowering" line. And the Ironic Pop Songs to Torture To bit.

"You should play Killing Me Softly."
"It's more appropriate than ironic."
"But the song isn't actually about killing someone. It'd be ironic in this context." *awkward pause* "We should have never went to college."

Anomelie: "Nooooo!"
Sam: "I actually understood that."

Hit and miss pretty much fits this movie more than any movie I've seen. It had so many flopping moments, but then some really good lines would pop up that I can't just dismiss it completely.


i love the part after the random song and dance with the John Travolta Guy


Anal leakage.
