MovieChat Forums > Monster House (2006) Discussion > WARNING - This movie teach how to vomit ...

WARNING - This movie teach how to vomit - EXPLICIT

Teach how to vomit, simply put
I strongly recommend that an adult
see this movie before the children do

keyser soze


What? That makes no sense.

The internet is my only escape to reality in Arcata.


see the movie
the girl talk about to "find the switch"
(in the throat, to vomit)

Keyser Soze


ummm.... who cares?


i'm a father
the permanent psicological abuse
of the (weight-exceded) boy
and anorexic references
are concerns for parents
sorry, it cares for me
(and the movie, is an average one)

Keyser Soze


I haven't seen this but from what I can gather the moral of the story seems to be that (stereotypically pathetic) fat people who have been teased and humiliated by local children are in no way justified in one day getting a teensy bit annoyed at their tormentors and (gasp) keeping toys dropped whilst trespassing on the lawn.

That there's promotion of anorexic behaviour in there too doesn't surprise me in the least when you consider that the basic premise of the movie is to equate fat and evil. I honestly think all this should be in the Parent's Guide - there seem to be precious few mentions of what the source of the 'monster' actually is (the tormented spirit of an understandably annoyed circus fat lady).

Given that there are an increasing number of folk (whether fat themselves, or seeking to protect their fat children from widespread prejudice) who object to the hateful and demeaning way fat people are increasingly being demonised by the media, I feel this information should be more widely available, to allow us to make an informed decision without having to unwittingly patronise studios who think that this sort of thing is OK.

No chance are any kids of mine kids seeing Monster House; they get enough of the misguided, simplistic 'thin=good, fat=bad' propaganda, backed up with the overt tolerance of fatphobic playground bullying dressed up as 'positive social pressure' in school.

"We have no past | We won't reach back | Keep with me forward all through the night"



Uh, One of the two heroes is overweight.
No toy was kept because of children tormenting them. He did it to protect the children from the Monster House, not from his dead wife's ghost.

For a demon she sure had a happy ending.

Watch a movie before you slam it next time.

I'm sorry your children aren't educated enough to discern between fact and fiction.

Some day your repressed children will be free of your control (maybe after lots of therapy) and then they'll watch this movie and see the pc crowd has blown everything out of proportion.

Here's what you posted on Hotel for Dogs (slow day lol)
'Because of course even though fat people exist aplenty in real life, they can't possibly ever appear as characters in movies, even completely implausible ones aimed at kids.

I always think it's a good thing when there's a fat character in a film or TV show, especially if they're cool or save the day - maybe some fat kid might see them and think 'actually I'm not so weird after all'.

That aside, this film looks as though it's going to thoroughly blow. '

Chowder saved the day in Monster House, maybe you should give this movie a try.


jaddjamar, you are dead right. Well put. I wish there were more people like you on these posts to straighten out narrow minded people.

The film also shows the extreme of judging a book by its' cover. The old man wasn't evil at all. It teaches kids to get to know someone before judging them.


Thank you jim_kirk_thomson! It's nice to find someone intelligent on the boards.

Plotholes are like Bigfoot, people who claim to see them are just trying to stir things up.


It's nothing to do with PC. In fact, fatphobia is as if not more common amongst those who view themselves as progressive as those on the Right of the spectrum. The latte liberal brigade seem to resent the idea that anyone would reject their salad-eating, gym bunny lifestyle priorities, and their outrage at this seems to trump their normally unshakable sense of fair play and equality. Moreover, I resent this notion that anyone who disagrees with a viewpoint is somehow 'trolling', especially as it's a time-tested means of closing down a debate.

As I said, I was under the impression from other posts and the synopsis that the Monster House WAS the manifestation of Constance's pissed-off spirit, and as such it is SHE, not the house, who is attacking the kids and therefore SHE who is by extension the 'monster'. Correct me if I'm wrong, since as you know I haven't seen the film, but as I've said before on this and other boards about movies which deal with similar themes I've no particular desire to spend my money funding anything which contributes to the increasing morass of openly fatphobic media in society (maybe I'll have to Torrent it, to make sure the studio doesn't benefit from my viewing of it).

"We have no past | We won't reach back | Keep with me forward all through the night"


Dear jaddjamar

Thank you so much for your reply to rich_edwards79!! I read their comment about this movie, Monster House - and I really wanted to reply to them - about several things - but after reading YOUR reply to them - you said everything I wanted to say!!!!

Whatever happened to just watching a movie, enjoying it, laugh, be scared, ENJOY - and if your child has any questions afterward, explain stuff to them! Be a parent! Communicate! Why do movie makers or anyone really - have to tread so carefully about what they say, or put in their movies, or expose to children ----- this is life! Life has all these things in it- fat people, thin people, pretty people, good and evil people, ETC., ETC.!!!!!

So you think your child shouldn't be exposed to a fat lady being teased by kids, because it's mean. "It's sending the wrong message." What message? That in life, kids tease people because they're different?? Well guess what rich_edwards79? That does happen in everyday life!! It's awful, mean, shouldn't happen - but it does!! If you hide everything from your children - when they move out of your house, they're going to see the world for what it really is, not through your rose-colored glasses! Do you want them mad at you for not telling them these things? The world can be a cruel place. But teaching kids how to treat other people the right way - maybe stand up against bullying or people being mean to a bum on the street - maybe when they become an adult, because they were taught by their parents to NOT do these things, to help people when they're being teased or stand up for them....maybe it'll help with trying to keep the world what it can be - a beautiful place! :-) (holy run-on sentence Stephanie!! LOL)...........
Anyways jaddjamar - it's cool reading someone's comment or reply and seeing that they think just like you do! hehe..............Have a great day! :-)
Steph (malibu-7)


I just watched this movie and this sat VERY bad with me! I liked it up to that point was revealed.

Don't mistake hate speech for free speech. Remember, hate speech kills!


'sorry, it cares for me'

Who cares for you bajopalabra? Whoever it is tell them to up your meds...or cut back on them.



Teaching someone how to vomit isn't a bad thing persay.

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains."


It did not 'teach' anyone how to vomit. It said that the (forgot the name of the dangly-thing) activates the gag reflex.

That's all.

I don't think kids will try it and, if they do, I am certain that they never will a second time, after experiencing it.


You, sir, are laaaame, or a troll.


You are moronic piece of fish guts. This movie doesn't teach kids anything except to be self reliant and self confident. And you think kids don't know if you stick a finger in the back of their mouth that they'll gag? I hope you aren't actually a parent.

Why is it this movie that seems to bring out the idiots and crazies. I'm so tired of your close minded idiocy.


You guys are seriously *beep* pathetic -.- Very sad.. I seen and have heard of worst things from other films that have showed bad choices, But seriously other then that No One gives an actual *beep*. This film was amazing By The way. Also this is actually coming from a person who has an eating disorder too,


Whether kids understand that or not, it was a very dumb joke and when they make the house throw up I was just like

But that's how I basically felt throughout this entire film. Strange stuff.


I never saw the whole 'gag' part as particularly offensive. I saw it as a set up on how to escape the house. Since the kids were entering the 'mouth' into the house and the house was probably not going to let them escape voluntarily. I get it's a little gross, but as a pretty squeamish person, I didn't think it was that bad.
The idea of having to escape from a larger being's mouth is a device that is shown in a few movies. I didn't see anything directly aimed against fat people.

Knew him? He was delicious!


Don't be an idiot. They shoot a chandelier with a watergun and water shoots out of the basement. It's not exactly a detailed instruction manual for throwing up. My niece and nephew love this movie and have no problems at all. Also, every kid has accidentally gagged while brushing their teeth or whatever so it's probably nothing new.

Maybe you should monitor your child's behavior instead of stating this awesome family film is dangerous for children.
