Monster House 2?

Happy Feet and Cars are both coming out with sequels this year. Both films got the "Best Animated Film" award at the Oscars when they came out. Monster House was without a doubt THE BEST of the 3, so why doesnt MH get the sequel?

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


I would fight a wild grizzly bear to get a sequel to monster house. Or another similar film.



I suspect that many parents overracted to the percieved 'scaryness' of this animated film, whereas Happy Feet and Cars are both 'feel good family movies'.

Essentially what im getting at is that Monster House probably didnt sell as well because of this.

Shame really, because I agree with you that this was a much better film than either of the others.


Monster House doesn't need a sequel. There is no way to continue the story, so a sequel, would either retcon something from the first movie, or just ignore it completely. When you make an unnecessary sequel to a good animated movie, you don't always get a Toy Story 2. Sometimes, you get a Hoodwinked Too!. A Monster House 2 would end up in the latter category. Also, Happy Feet got the award, not both it and Cars.


It cost 75 million (150 million with promotion) and made only 140 million.
No sequel to movies that lost money....
