For watching at school?

I like the movie a lot and I find it very authentic. It tells a lot about friendship and real friends. I think it could really touch kids of the same age. They can understand how the girls and boys felt in the different situations.
I'm a teacher of a class in 8th grade. Would you think I could watch it with my class at school? Or is it a film they should rather see 'alone'?
I'd really appreciate your honest opinion, especially when you are teenager!!


I saw that movie last year ( grade), so yea, I suppose that works.


I'd recommend you to show it for your class, are you from sweden? (teaching a swedish class), because I saw this in the U.S learning swedish and my teacher showed this film for us.


guys! hell no! At least where i live they cant show nudity in schools! which sucks


I realize I'm a bit late in this discussion, but wanted to add my take on this in case anyone wanders by.

This movie is used quite a lot for kids in the age 13-15 in Norway. Both in school and as a part of civil/humanist confirmation. (I doubt it's a part of christian confirmation, but I'm only familiar with humanist confirmation).

From what I have seen it has been quite successful in showing also to large classes (70-80 kids). Seeing it alone is not as good I think, as you can try to do an "open discussion" kind of thing after seeing it in class. It also gives the kids an opportunity to discuss the different situations among themselves after class.


Our school went to watch it (little less than 300 students from 13-16 year-old kids) and everyone just laughed how stupid the movie was and got pissed off why we always went to watch these crappy swedish teenage movies. So no, I think this movie just underestimates teenagers badly.
Im from Finland.


Thank you guys for your opinions!
I tried to get it several times but I can't buy it here.
I guess there would be kids who don't like it anyway. However I'd handle it.
But I also think, that to do a discussion kind of thing would be good.
Thanks, I'll keep trying to find it!


i know!!!!!!! they're ALWAYS swedish. i live in norway and in 7th, 8th, 9th grade we always had to watch some crappy swedish teen film. "don't do that or you'll end up like the swedes" nice warning


"i know!!!!!!! they're ALWAYS swedish. i live in norway and in 7th, 8th, 9th grade we always had to watch some crappy swedish teen film. "don't do that or you'll end up like the swedes" nice warning "

LOL, that was actually pretty funny. HAHA.
Complements from me in Sweden to my fellow neighbour countries Norway and Suomi.

BTW.. Nowadays in Sweden each december Kanal5 airs the most crappy "Julkalendrar"(don´t know the english name) ever produced from Norway.. This I think cause of Kanal5 is onwed by a Norwegan company or a Swedish and Norwegan company..

Are these Christmas programs really considered funny in Norway???


we don't watch it. it's strictly for the swedes.
actually we had a pretty funny christmas calender last year and there was even a swedish actor in the cast, he played a serbian wannabe gangster. ironically his scenes weren't shown in sweden.


don´t think I know that one which you are talking about. I haven´t really been watching either swedish or norwegan christmas calenders for some years. Just have gotten some glimts of them while zapping and I really haven´t really gotten the whole idea of them or what´that is funny about them. The two latest I have seen just a bit where "Tomtar på loftet" and some weird one that was aired this xmas about some imigrants in norway..


skomaker ali? that's the one i'm talking about. each episode lasted less than 15 minutes


That might be the one. Don´t know for sure.. It would make sense if that´s the one. I just saw a few episodes. Since I didn´t see all episodes I don´t know if there was any swede in the show.


So swedes makes crappy films for norwegians, who makes crappy christmas stuff for swedes? That's fascinating



f@ck you f@cker


I think you should use it in class. I saw it with my class for about a year agow, in 7th grade, and everyone liked it a lot.
- Im, however, from Denmark.


I'm 16 and we got to see it in class, and I think it sucks. The plot is good but the kids can't act so no, don't show it. I think everyone would laugh, we did. I think you should show *beep* Åmål instead or Säg att du älskar mig, if you haven't already. Both are better then Hip Hip Hora.

Och jag gillar de norska julkalendrarna, speciellt den där de tävlar om att bli tomtens fru. Asrolig! Fast Skomakar Ali var inte så bra, och varför klippte de bort Robert!?


umm...its an 18 here (uk) wanna show a film to kids where a girl is being a pissed up lout and giving random handjobs out? are you insane? kids that young cant deal with the social commentary issues.


In Sweden it's rated 11, and its target audience is teenagers. There are obviously some differences when it comes to what is acceptable to show in teen movies in different cultures. I don't think it's inappropriate myself.

To the original poster, if you're from Sweden chances are that many of your students have already watched the movie. (And BTW, I think F-ing Åmål is much better.)

"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it."
