Better than the Simpsons movie ?

I saw this on the same day as the Simpsons movie and thought this what the Simpsons movie should have been like. Anyone agree ?




simpsons movie was a bit of a let down


Family Guy movie is so much better than The Simpsons Movie! But The Simpsons Movie was pretty good though.


Undoubtedly, the simpsons movie was very disappointing




Family Guy movie is a hell of alot funnier, but does get quite lame in last third, but i wasnt expecting too much from the Simpsons movie and it impressed me. So....

Better Movie : Simpsons

Funnier Movie : Family Guy


i agree with doza that family guy was funnier apart from the priceless spiderpig scene but simpsons movie was a lot better than i thought and you people out there who wanted it more like family guy, matt groening didnt want the film to be higher than a PG, he said he barely got away with the gay scene out of 5 gay jokes he had and he was only just allowed barts doodle for 5 secs.


It doesn't matter if it's a "movie" or not, and the animation complain it completely pointless.

The fact of the matter is, this was far more clever and wasn't just a series of "LOL Homer got hit with something." One of the key traits of humor is unpredictability and I could see at least half of the Simpsons jokes prior to their execution.

I don't care if one was a theater release, the other was DVD. The point is it was BETTER. The Simpsons Movie expected me to laugh at a nonstop string of slapstick gags and prat falls, SG:tUS was at least literate.

People complain about the flashbacks, but again, so what? They're funny. That's the point. To be funny. It's not a character study intended to show psychological relationships and make deep commentary about human interactions. It's a comedy, and they make jokes.

I swear people who bitch about that are the same who'd be criticizing Monty Python's Flying Circus for never bringing their sketches to a proper ending and using animated cut-scenes as a "cop-out" for shoddy writing.

- Why am I here? Because I love making fun of stupid people. It's my hobby.


Family Guy film is so much better than the simpsons one. It is funnier (and to those who disagree I hope you remember that 90 minutes of pain just isn't funny). Sure, if the Family Guy film was released at the cinema it probobly wouldn't have done as well despite the amazing reviews and to those who say that Family Guy has a lot of flashbacks, that is their style of writing just as the simpsons has hours and hours of a fat yellow man getting hurt and at least Family Guy can make theirs funny.



Can't really argue and win on this.All a matter of Opinion. I personally enjoyed the simpsons movie more..But thats just me..I've been a Simpsons fan for a very long time. I enjoyed the story and the jokes. The Family guy "movie" seemed like it was just made so they could say the "f word"

Again.One man's opinion.


The Simpsons movie was vastly superior, just as the tv show is. The Family Guy movie wasn't bad, though. 7/10.

Spider pig, spider pig. Does whatever a spider pig does.


hey duma$$, it is a movie. Sometime after it was released they ruined it when they did chop it up into the three different episodes.


two different shows. family guys for an older edgier audience. yes i preferred this, but that's just personal taste.


Simpsons movei i gave 7/10 This gets 8/10 so yes, it is a bit better. I feel almost depressed knowing that this didnt get on the cinemas..


The Simpsons movie would have been much better if they didn't have that damn spiderpig, it seemed to take many people away from the plot, the *beep* pig was only in it briefly and people acted like it was the funniest thing in the world, and it really didn't do anything and there were much better jokes than that.


Spider pig rules!

Spider pig, spider pig. Does whatever a spider pig does.


Well I agree that funny matters but was that the question? The question was which was the BETTER movie. I choose Simpsons simply because it made me laugh throughout. Don't get me wrong, I laughed at the Family guy movie too, but just not throughout the entire thing. Family relies on random humor too much... but that's just my opinion, i'm not saying random humor is a bad thing, but the ONLY thing family guy tries to do is be funny, the simpsons movie was also emotional. Also, the family guy plot was a little too mashed together. One second it's about him drinking, then it's from him in the future, and all this stuff, because it was really 3 episodes with one story tied into it as the main plot. And I wish people would stop complaining about STUPID SPIDERPIG!!! It was a joke so the movie would appeal to kids, that's all. Family guy is for the older crowd, and that's just fine. Also, there was not that much slapstick humor in the simpsons movie. The hard place and a rock was a reference to being "stuck between a hard pace and a rock" not slapstick, the only slapstick scenes were on the roof with the hammer, and in the ball of death.


Well then, why didn't Family Guy's movie go into theaters??? Maybe people would think it SUCKS!!!


maybe because it would make more money on DVD...?? LOLZZZ!!!1111




It was classic though.. On the other hand Family Guy was more like the episodes and how it usually was, whereas The Simpsons was more of a proper movie. There were much better jokes but really Homer is too stupid sometimes.

Although i thought the best joke was when Bart drew all over that Wanted poster and the people he drew were in the store! too much


This was way better than The Simpsons movie, yes.


I'm not a huge Simpsons fan but I went and saw the movie and it doesn't even compare to how witty and funny Family Guy is. This movie was A LOT funnier.


The two films are so different they are not even comparable. For starters, this movie isn't excruciatingly unfunny...

This is the business we have chosen...



there both good movies but i think family guy is making a real movie that will be in theaters


The Family Guy movie was enjoyable whereas the Simpsons movie wasn't at all. Only two "funny" things of the Simpsons movie I know is Spiderpig and the line : That could be anyone's pig crap silo or something :p
