Comcast Title Change

Per usual Comcast made an error - the title they display on the grid is "The Long Shot Brave/Courage", or something very very similar...

It's an all-right film - though it makes me wish we all lived in as nice an area...

When a child my Mom would take us to the annual horse show, and we'd sit there for hours watching the dressage events - always nice to watch...

I still like horses and see them almost every weekend at the local "rent-a-horse" corral in this area, though nowdays I seem to have developed a horse allergy that gives me a sinus headache when I'm too close to them as happened on Sunday...

But, as horse folks here know, the rental horse is a much different animal than the horse that is ridden by one person only - those poor rental horses probably just think of the person sitting on them as not much more than the saddle, since they usually don't respond to the person but are following the trail leader who is around them all the time...

