What happend

What happend in the end and why was it a flower which could bring back his sisters soul? What does it symbolice?



That sounds like a good explanation to me. However, Christianity aside, why did the Death mention that same flower right after the younger brother fled with a piece of sister's soul? It's like the Death meant there was only one way to save the sister and bring her back to "normality" and it was that flower.

Also, why Christ's suffering? For some reason, this flower reminds me of Buddha's flower sermon. Hence, the flower can also represent enlightenment, or one's way back to his own nature or "normality" so to speak.


Awesome discussion guys, great analysis, really! About half the original manga can be viewed in the amazon.com preview page for Underground Comics Japan 1996: http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0922233160/ref=sib_dp_pt/103-4949285-5390237#reader-link . In the manga, the deity who takes the sister away says: "Damn! The kid got away with the other half of the soul... and I would have taken her to heaven! I guess now the half that I have will have to be reincarnated as a plant." The half of the soul is then reincarnated as a flower, which the kitten finds, hits his sister on the head with it, and she returns to normal, saying: "You found the other half of my soul!"

The deity looks more hindu than anything to me, especially in the anime. So - good observation about the cross, conedust, but I prefer to ignore it (as probably do you ;)...


hard to say but i'd say your explanation's most likely right.
by the way if you happen to know the answer to the scene at the end where the family of cats switch off like tvs is appreciate if you posted the answer on to my post, "end?"
