floating brown doll?

what does that doll symbolize (the one that had the kittens inside it while it was floating on top of the water)?


IMO, thats no doll. that's a corpse of a pregnant woman. I can't think of why she would have the cats inside her...maybe it was seen as a longing to be in a safer place.


That isn't a doll, and is not a pregnant woman. It is just a woman. When a body dies in water it bloats. The cat babies within her are because the little brother cat doesn't know that the bloating happens and thinks that the woman is just pregnant so he imagines babies in her.


LMAO, I think your all wrong. I am pretty sure it is a pregnant blow up sex doll. If brother cat thinks that she is pregnant because of bloating when she isn't really pregnant then why the little bit about the cat babies growing on a tree?


Because it is a ridiculous surrealist plot based off of random musings of Nekojiru?

Also that could be said about your opinion, how could a blow-up sex doll be pregnant? And if it was how would the cat babies grow on a tree anyway? It's all in interpretation, man.

To me, the little cat brother is creating a story to deal with/understand what is happening. It's like myths. They were created by people in the past to explain things they couldn't understand. The little cat brother is explaining things the only way he could comprehend.

Either way, this film doesn't truly have a defined plot or interpretation so it's all opinions, man. Take things as you will.
