It's Official

Every ass clown with a dumb idea can make a full length feature film.


that's hollywood!!!!!!

aww come on, i'm holding your head!


I know. I was walking around the video store last night and everything's a frickin' straight-to-DVD F-movie from some jag-off with a camera.


Actually, I personally thought the idea of a scarecrow killer did sound pretty cool. That's why I decided to check out these three movies. Heck, the Scarecrow character from Batman is pretty cool. I wonder why they didn't go for the obvious idea of the scarecrow being able to use its victims fear against them. I guess maybe they didn't want to seem too much like a rip off of the Batman character.

Anyway, I think the idea overall was good, and COULD have resulted in some kick arse horror/slasher movies. The first, I personally thought, was fairly good. When you realize that it was a low budget, straight to video, independant film, you realize that you cannot expect much. That in mind, the first was pretty good. Some of the dialogue needed to be written better and some of the acting was downright horrible, but that actually made it funny enough to make up for it. It was bad in an enjoyable way. Given a bigger budget and a little bit more time writing it, it could have been a great movie.

The other two just sucked all around. Bad writing, bad acting, crappy plot. In the third, the scarecrow character even looked a lot worse. I know we are talking about a scarecrow here, but it just looked too fake. Looked like some dude dressed up as a scarecrow for Halloween. At least in the others he actually looked like a scarecrow. The second two movies were so bad that it honestly seems like they were made JUST to have some sequels. They were bad. Personally, I liked the third better than the second, but it was still pretty bad. Funny seeing former WWE superstar Ken Shamrock in a horror movie, though.

Proud member of the IMDb Ministry of Darkness

That's right, boys...IT'S DOCTOR VENKMAN!!!


I've only seen SGW, and I don't think I want to see any others. I also don't think that more funding could have made this any less of an F-movie. Still want back those two (?) hours of my life.

I thought it was kinda hilariously moronic at one point; they're all running around on the beach, trying to get away from "Scarecrow" and then the med school guy kinda shoves the girl onto the sand to "check for injuries". Even I know better than that.
