Just something I heard..

OK, well, a long long time ago, my friend Lucas told me that when you beat the game, you complete all the goals that you haven't completed before, and then, I think you go head to head again with Eric.

He said that you basically punch Eric in the jaw...

I was wondering if this is all true...

With a Rebel Yell, I called MORE MORE MORE!


yeah that happens but its not the end. and no do do have to go back and do the goals you haven't done yet. I recently played in on beginner then easy then normal an lastly sick. though i didn't beat it on sick i did on every other difficulty.

One Piece kicks major ass!


Its not even really a punch, which is kinda lame

your skater grabs the hawaii helicopert vid and elbows eric in the process


You get the elbow ending after completing the game twice I believe
Completing all goals on normal gives you a full list of cheats


Sometimes you "punch" him, and sometimes you have to face him...I'm preety sure it has something to do with your score, or the level you beat the game on...
