Just turned it on

I just turned this on. The first thing I see is the scene with the little girl talking to her mom about her imaginary friend who is obviously a ghost. The mom asks who she drew on the etch-a-sketch and she says she can't tell and that the ghost "said he's an a-hole". Really? That's the level of writing in this film? Not to mention it's only 20 minutes into the film and the dad is already crazy. I knew this was going to be bad, lol.

And wow, it just keeps getting worse. "Katch 'em and kill 'em" on the fridge? Are you serious? Maybe this movie should slow down and stop throwing cliche after cliche at me like I've never seen a horror movie before. I would watch something else but there's like nothing on TV right now.

Just got to the babysitter. What kind of babysitter dresses like that? Answer: THEY DON'T. A babysitter would NEVER wear something like that, and the parents would NEVER let them be alone with their son who's in mid-puberty. And now she's hitting on the son? This movie is ridiculous. Oh wait... is it a comedy? Maybe I should start watching it like it is. "I suck at babysitting". Yup, it's a comedy.

Poor Ryan Renolds just can't make any of his lines believable. Somehow he manages to make the bathtub scene work. "We're friends. We're having fun, right?" Not really, lol.

Haha, now I'm at the home movies with the obviously fake "old film" filter. They couldn't just get an old camera? What was the budget on this? I swear, this is actually getting entertaining with all the poorly done everything.

"When did you get so stupid?" Why can't he deliver these lines in a way that makes it truly creepy? Ryan, Ryan, Ryan... my man... get it together!

Sad that the original scared the crap out of me but this one is just silly.


Every single criticism is about what you expected being different to what you're seeing on screen, this is the reason you can't enjoy life.

