radiohead's video

i saw radiohead's music video on the trailer. but i couldn't found it on this DVD.does anybody know why?


Because it's not on there, unfortunately. I don't know why they put it on the trailer.


As far as I've read, Radiohead and Gondry didn't end up really on well after the shooting of Knives Out, the reason... Yorke said that Gondry didn't let them use their own ideas for the video; as they own the rights of it, they didn't let Gondry use the video in his DVD. This is the supposed reason why we weren't able to see one of his best 'coreographic' pieces of art.

It was also said that both Spike Jonze and Michel Gondry were supposed to work on a video for 'We Suck Young Blood' from the album 'Hail to the Thief', but it never was done.


They had loads of stuff in the trailer for the Chris Cunningham DVD (I mean LOADS more...) which they didn't bother puting on, like '36 Degrees' - Placebo, the 2 Auters videos, 2 adverts, 3 other videos i can't remember names... Why bother putting them on the title menu if they aren't there?! To taunt us? IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

Also...I disagree that Star Guitar was his best CHOREOGRAPHIC piece of art - I'd say it was 'Around The World' for Daft Punk, but that's my opinion.


When do musicians realize their video ideas mostly suck?

I know that this video was made at a hard time but how stupid is it to not let him put it on a personal collection of videos because it's too... personal? Everyone hails this band but whatever I hear of them is increasingly unsympathetic.


Paul Thomas Anderson also apparently did a video for We Suck Young Blood as well, though it hasn't surfaced as far as I know. It was just mentioned in an article a few years back.


i pretty much bought the box set for the knives out video. I really should have checked before I bought it haha. It's definatly his best in my opinion.


Knives Out was finally released on the Radiohead Best Of DVD that came out last week.

I was wrong about the PTA/Blood video. They thought about it, and maybe played around with shooting something, if that, but it was never done.


Its on Gondry's second DVD which is out now along with behind the scenes of it. Amaazing video, loved the Operation mockup.
