MovieChat Forums > The White Countess (2006) Discussion > Do you think Ralph will win an Oscar by ...

Do you think Ralph will win an Oscar by acting in this film?

i love Ralph very much!
i want his signature very much!


At least I hope so. He's playing a blind man just like last years Best Actor winner Jamie Foxx - that may hurt his chances a little bit. But he has also another promising project coming out this year (Constant Gardener) and two other nominations behind him. He's also one of the most respected and talented actors of his generation. I think he might have a great chance to get it this time if the film won't be a complete disaster or Joaquin Phoenix will pull a Jamie Foxx this year.

"Cate Blanchetts scream in 'The Missing' has written Oscar all over it" Diogo Felipe a.k.a. VSW


Thank you for your comment.
I think Ralph is so talented and well, I am a chinese and the the film also has something to do with China.
I also love James Ivory's films especially A Room with a View.
Hope Ralph and James could win oscars of their own.


It's highly possible Ralph Fiennes could win Best Actor. He plays a blind character (the Academy loves disabled characters), and Fiennes has been nominated twice without winning. All this, plus the recent death of Ismail Merchant, seals Fiennes's fate as 2005's best actor. If he wins, he'll no doubt dedicate the trophy to Merchant.

P.S. 'The White Countess' is the final Merchant-Ivory film.

Rest in Peace, Merchant.


I am not sure if it will be for this film. All the Oscar buzz currently has been for "The Constant Gardener". I don't even like talking about the Oscars....I don't want to jinx it for is also a little premature since all the Oscar contenders are not released until the fall.


Yes, I totally agree about the jinxing factor. It's so refreshing not to be alone in my superstitions, lol. I've been more for "The Constant Gardener" as Ralph's Best Actor nom ticket myself--though the early release MAY be overshadowed by "The White Countess"--we'll just have to see what happens when the two movies -do- debut. It's hard to say which is more of a shoo-in: blindness or widower. At least both movies seem good though, so the Academy should remember Ralph this year. He definitely deserves another nod soon--and a win sometime, as well. But I wouldn't jump to conclusions about this year being a surefire win for him--have any of you heard about ALL those other movies coming out later this year? Some other major contenders, so far, include: Joaquin Phoenix (which has been mentioned), Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger, Cillian Murphy, David Strathairn, Eric Bana, Nathan Lane, etc. I'm definitely HOPING that Ralph will at least get nominated....and it's fairly likely to assume him being a front-runner....but I wouldn't jinx it by saying he's a definite. I do hope all the buzz proves true in the end, though. With a cast like this to back him (Natasha Richardson, Lynn Redgrave, & Vanessa Redgrave are also likely nominees--if this film does well....and jeez, Lynn deserves an Oscar already, pssh....), -and- the death of Mr. Merchant, it's likely to play a major role in his placement of this year's top performances =D.


Sure he will got the nomination he deserve it ,but i think this is Joaquin Phoenix year

In Love with Cate Blanchett... With Kate Winslet too, 2 of our finest actress today.


Ditto to your quote =D--I love them both. Personally, I enjoyed Kate's Oscar-nommed performance last year a hell-of-a-lot more than Hilary Swank's--or even Annette Bening's for that matter, who was probably the runner-up. That was a terribly shoddy race and so unjust. But alas, one can only hope for future wins for Kate, Imelda, Catalina, and even Annette.

Anyways, back to Ralph. I'm confident that he'll be in the spotlight. I wouldn't mark it definite though, seeing as how that's ALWAYS a jinx. I don't think it's a surefire win for Joaquin though. In my mind, we're likely to see him nominated. But it's unfair to call him the likely winner. There are -plenty- of fantastic movies coming-out this year, with many (potentially) strong, leading male performances. And the whole Jamie-Foxx-Part-2 ordeal might be a factor, though that drives me crazy. But I think he's probably gonna nab that Golden Globe. If there's enough support on his side post-movie-release, then maybe it WILL be his year xD.


I saw the film tonight, and I'm sorry to say I seriously doubt it holds Oscar potential. The Constant Gardener probably holds more promise.


the movie is not oscar worthy?? how about ralph and natasha?

In Love with Cate Blanchett... With Kate Winslet too, 2 of our finest actress today.


The only real chance for a nom is for Natasha, but sadly, she has no real chance. It's an excellent role, though.

Hopelessly in love with Uma Thurman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Emmy Rossum


The only nomination Ralph could get is from the movie The Constant Gardener but not this one. Not sure wether he could win or not.

It is better to be the best among the best rather than the best among the worst.


I just hope he gets an Oscar nomination, I don't care for which movie!! I've loved him since he was in "The English Patient" and I think he's long due for some recognition by the Academy.

Wanna go shopping?


I really hope so... the poor guy was robbed for Schindler.


Ya he was straight up robbed for that. Schindler's List moved me in ways only a few other films have (Crash and Mystic River were the others). He was fantastic in that as well. And by the way, I'm not saying he will, but don't count out a nomination for Harry Potter. He was great (very) in that, and the Best Supporting Actor category is weak other than Paul Giamatti for Cinderella Man (he'll win). Ah, maybe I just want him to get 3 nominations in one year lol. Has that ever been done? Is it even allowed? I haven't seen this or The Constant Gardener, but dammit, they owe him.

Rock now. Worry later.



Won't the release date of this film affect its chances at the Oscars?


I very much hope so, but it's unlikely.

The Academy being as fickle as it is, this movie may not garner enough exposure to be on their (famously narrow) radar.

RALPH is clearly a superb actor -- one of the very best actors working today and quite incidentally enough, one of my favorites -- however, as has been stated before, if he should garner any nomination at all, it will most likely be for THE CONSTANT GARDENER.

Also, the front runners seem to be JOAQUIN PHOENIX and HEATH LEDGER for their great turns in two very different films. I'm in a bit of a quandary as I loved all three in their various performances...

Who knows, the Academy, with their fondness for artifice, might go with PHILLIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN instead for his turn in CAPOTE...



I doubt he wins an oscar. no doubt he deserves one, as he has deserved many in the past. but the award shows never go past nominations for poor ralph over here. I recently met him, and got his autograph. If you'd like a picture of the signature i can oblige.

[[Everyone Dies, Not Everyone Really Lives]]


He shoud win an Oscar for one of his performances, maybe this one or maybe a different one, he's been in so many movies lately and they all look pretty good.

"Living is easy with eyes closed..."


i wouldn't lay my complete chances on it ... although it seems well done, i think the runners are Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix, Phillip Seahmore Hoffman (sp?), but it will be a tight race, we won't see a easy win as we did last year with Jamie Foxx ... but I think Natasha Richardson has an excellent chance in winning, or better chances than Ralph Finnes. Reese Witherspoon is right now the high runner up after films like Memoirs of a Geisha, which was aimed at being a high runner-up failed to show strong standings at the Globes nominations, with the exception of Zhang. The only thing I would say that would hurt her chances would this being her first nomination, but this would be Reese's as well. There is Oscar buzz around Kiera Knightly as well for Pride and Prejudice, so this is a surely a tough Oscar race, much like last year between Annete Benning and Hilary Swank ...


The Oscar is so damn useless!
There are so many movies that are great and they don't get one. And on the other hand, there are so many movies that suck and got it. This is not about personal taste (although you can be shure, that it is, concerning certain members of the academy! They do not even see every movie, that they vote for!!!), look at the top 200!
It's the same with actors, most of the time.
Fiennes is one of the best actors (and there are a lot!) of the age. I think he does not need an Oscar to know that...


I agree, the Oscars are so political, they only consider like independent, super dramatic, unpopular movies, with really no-name, undeserving stars. They fail again and again to reward the truly talented people, actors and directors alike. But, you're right, as long as we know that, the talented stars do not need an Oscar to prove anything.

(For instance: Leo DiCaprio in the Aviator, which I thought was his best role to date, and Martin Scorcese for the same film! Or, the whole "Color Purple" thing some years ago, but those actors or Steven Spielberg, do not need an Oscar to know that they made a damn good film!!)

"I want ten chocolate chip cookies. Medium chips. None too close to the outside." -Howard Hughes


To be perfectly honest I think that Ralph won't get the nomination for this film. If he gets one (which I damn well hope he does) he'll get it for The Constant Gardener - I think this is the most likely with nominations for Rachel Weisz, best film and Fernando Meirelles and probably adapted screenplay as well. If it doesn't then I seriously wonder about the sanity of those who put together the nominations. I guess we'll find out soon!


Ralph definitely deserves Best Actor for The Constant Gardener (The White Countess hasn't been released in my area yet, so I couldn't say, but there isn't any Oscar buzz for it) especially since so many of his performance have been worthy and he's NEVER won!(He's deserved so many more nominations than the two he's got!)

Unfortunatly, I'm predicted Heath Ledger will win for Brokeback Mountain. The "gay cowboy" controversy will probably be too much for the Academy to resist.


Speaking about Heath Ledger, I wouldn't say that he is a sure win because of the movie. Infact, no one thought the movie was even going to be big and yet it has already grossed over 32 million dollars and is only in 683 theaters when all the other movies are in over 1500. Brokeback is a wonderful film that doesn't need to be shurked off because of its content. Lets remember what Vanessa said, "People are normal no matter what they do." This is taken from an interview in 1992 about her father being bisexual. Plus, I just want Jake Gyllenhaal to get nominated and win Supporting Actor. He was wonderful as the films most difficult character. Heath Ledger didn't even want to play him because it was so difficult.



He'll win for The Constant Gardener.


OMG !...not even nominated !!

oh..well..I hoped that PSH would win anyroads !
