MovieChat Forums > The White Countess (2006) Discussion > Everybody seem to hate this movie...

Everybody seem to hate this movie...

and very few people has seen it...why, oh, why!!
I loved it. Great settings, wonderful atmosphere, some very good acting (Ralph's didn't get me so excited, though). Most people found it awfully slow, but personally I found it not quite so, a lot less than most Merchant/Ivory films. Most people say they couldn't care about the characters and despise the script...ok,maybe the very interesting Countess- Jackson relationship could be devolped more, but the characters themselves were fascinating, expecially the Countess. The ending was compelling. The poster was beautiful too, sort of old fashioned, romantic. The White Countess is a very good farewell film for Ismail Merchant, who will be missed, and is on the same level of some more famous Merchant Ivory films. Does anyone here agree with me, or I'm the only one who appreciates it??


I saw it! I liked it a lot! I agree with you!


I loved it too. Ralph Fiennes does a great job as usual. He plays that dreamy and vulnerable man all women would like to protect and he is so charming as well.

Richarson plays the Countess very convincingly. She really has the attitude of a countess.

The only thing I miss is more passion between the two of them. There was just a robbed kiss but the way of looking at each other and the way they held their hands gave that deeply romantic emotion.

I recommend this film and for this time I think the critics are not right.


One of the most sensitive, moving films I've ever seen - superb!


I totally agree with everyone who posted in this thread -- it's a beautiful, poignant film that's probably too classy and elegant for moviegoers who have been spoon-fed too much junk by the Hollywood mill.




I really liked this film a lot. I thought the acting was great and I particularly like the atmosphere and recreation of 1930s Shanghai. It presents you with things to think about rather than a bunch of action to flood your senses. I prefer that. Not as good as Remains of the Day or Howards End to be sure, but nonetheless a very solid effort. Definitely better than other Merchant-Ivory flicks like Jefferson in Paris or Surviving Picasso (both of which I consider decent, but not particularly good). This film deserves to be appreciated more.

Unlike some people I don't really have a problem with the romance angle not being fleshed out more. I kind of like that restrained sort of treatment, kind of like what they did even better in Remains of the Day. It would be something untypical for Hollywood -- and that's often a good thing.

I personally really liked Fiennes in this.


I loved it! I felt Natasha should have won the Oscar. Ralph was good, but more of a supporting role. This film was about the Countess! To answer the question of one poster, back in that time you weren't getting large pay checks, so three hundred wouldn't come so quickly, plus you have bills. I also think the Redgraves were wonderful with their small parts. Vanessa was touching as Vera and Lynn was evil as Olga, especially at the end!


Though it may seem a bit redundant at this point, I thought I would voice my admiration of the piece as well. The very components that were criticized by many critics, a leisurely pace and a cold relationship between the "romantic leads, gave the film a wonderfully magical quality, a special brand that only the Merchant Ivory team, which sadly can be no more, is capable of offering.


I loved watching this movie, everything about it was superb. Ralph Fiennes sure can master accents with ease! And Natasha R. was excellent, the entire cast was. It didn't seem "slow" at all! SO much atmosphere and authenticity!


I agree, it wasn't slow at all! But Ralph stumbled with his accent because you could hear some British pop in, but it wasn't enough to cause me to hate the film.
