what piano piece?

Can someone please identify the piece of music that Todd hears the Countess playing on the piano in the club after which he says he didn't know she could play so well? Sounded rather like a Chopin Nocturne, but didn't recognize - is it one of Field's?


bump, i'd also like to know. i also thought it had a very chopin-like quality to it

it's a dirty world Reich, say what you want


Pretty sure it's a Nocturne by Field, just haven't got around to verifying yet!


Hi. I think Natasha was playing John Field's Nocturne No. 10 in E Minor. I should remember as I was there!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIgpgIYlYPg&feature=PlayList&p= F024C6472B9A3FE0&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=3

Yup, I think that's it.

"I do not introduce the log!" - Log Lady
