MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > Movie makes no sense!!!

Movie makes no sense!!!

So movie is about this dude who whistle blows and sleeps with lesbian's to impregnate them. Okay understood but looking at the trailer, all those "lesbians" seem to want sex from the opposite sex. Now they COULD be bi-sexual but if you have all those lesbian in a room, why would all of them look like they want a guy. Shouldn't a lesbian not want/like a man. Then at the end when he gets caught he talks about whistle blowing not a crime, doesn't make sense to the movie plot at all. Also in real life why would so many lesbians want to have sex with one person??? because hes black ??? What is Spike trying to say!!!
terrible plot, I think Spike just wants to make a movie about sex and tries to get away with it by including a whistle blowing action which has nothing to do with the main plot and if the main plot is about the actions/consequence of being a whistle blower then why the hell is the trailer shown mainly the hot lesbians.

Voice your opinion....

Now I am not A Spike Lee hater, hell I don't even know much about him but I seriously feel he is trying to make a quick buck at a movie that deals with sex, especially with lesbians :) which is not bad because everyone does that... just that the movie will have so much plot holes.





shyboy22: So movie is about this dude who whistle blows and sleeps with lesbian's to impregnate them. Okay understood but looking at the trailer, all those "lesbians" seem to want sex from the opposite sex. Now they COULD be bi-sexual but if you have all those lesbian in a room, why would all of them look like they want a guy.
Nightscream: They don’t. Of the first two he impregnates, one, his ex, Fatima, wants to do it the old fashioned way, but the other, Fatima’s girlfriend, refuses to do it that way. As for the first other five that Fatima decides to bring to him, only two are into it. Bai Ling and Paula Jai Parker’s characters are pretty enthusiastic about it, but Michole White and Sarita Choudhury’s character’s are both very nervous about it in the film, with Jack (Anthony Mackie) having trouble pulling Choudhury’s legs apart because she so tense. Savannah Haske’s character seems downright anti-male, and pretty brusque during the act. That’s four of the first six who are not enthused about the idea.

shyboy22: Shouldn't a lesbian not want/like a man. Then at the end when he gets caught he talks about whistle blowing not a crime, doesn't make sense to the movie plot at all. Also in real life why would so many lesbians want to have sex with one person??? because hes black ??? What is Spike trying to say!!!
Nightscream: Because this one person is the one providing the sperm, and he shows them his package before they seal the deal, causing one of them to place her money on the table and say, “Sold!”

shyboy22: terrible plot, I think Spike just wants to make a movie about sex and tries to get away with it by including a whistle blowing action which has nothing to do with the main plot and if the main plot is about the actions/consequence of being a whistle blower then why the hell is the trailer shown mainly the hot lesbians.
Nightscream: Having seen the movie last night, the two parts of the plot are weaved together seamlessly and, with each one growing logically out of the other.

shyboy22: Now I am not A Spike Lee hater, hell I don't even know much about him but I seriously feel he is trying to make a quick buck at a movie that deals with sex, especially with lesbians :) which is not bad because everyone does that... just that the movie will have so much plot holes.
Nightscream: Such as? How can you know this if you haven’t seen it?

Prof_Kermit: Why, oh why, would a lesbian pay 10,000 dollars to have SOME NOBODY impregnate them when they could be artificially inseminated for less than that or have some other nobody do it for free.
Nightscream: First, the main character, Jack isn’t a “nobody,” he’s the ex-boyfriend of one of the first two women who go to him. Second, she tells him the reason they don’t want a sperm bank is because she doesn’t trust the data about the donor, suggesting that an 6 foot tall Oxford genius might really be a fat couch potato. As for artificial insemination costing less, just how much less is that? My understanding was that it costs thousands of dollars.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

-Old Sicilian Proverb



Sorry. I was trying for some time to write a title for that post that I could fit in there, and kept changing the wording around to do so. I now see that "lesbians" actually takes up the same amount of space. I suppose I could also have put "women" or "girls" in there too. Sorry about that. Hope no one was offended by the term.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

-Old Sicilian Proverb



Technically everyone is carrying all sorts of recessive alleles.

Maybe he was a morally upright genius.


I have to agree with your take on the movie. I saw it at a screening a few days ago and I really enjoyed it. I fear, though, that some people will go all "politically correct" on us and object to the lesbian content. That's too bad because I thought this was a good movie.

The plot, or better yet, the point Spike's trying to make is clear to me. I think he's trying to say that when it comes to ethics and morals, those decisions are never black and white. I know that's obvious so why say it? I think we need to keep hearing it so that we do stay, well, ethical.

The corporation in the film is a drug company that is searching for a cure for AIDs. Even with the best of intentions by the researchers, the money guys still want to push it through the FDA a year early so they can make more money. Yes it's important that we have companies with enough of a financial stake to provide the necessary facility to create these cures...but if they are only motivated by money will the optimum product be released? will it get into the hands of the people that really need it?

In the same way, the impregnating business that the lead character gets into has two sides to it. They have the best of intentions: helping women who otherwise might not have a baby get pregnant. But is it right for one man to impregnate 19 women? Is it right to pay him $10,000?

In the end, does the end really justify the means?

Throughout the film, the lead character goes on a journey of self-discovery, and to me that is the real plot and the core strength of the film. He is empowered by doing the right thing even at the risk of losing all his material things, he comes to understand his parents' relationship, he is able to forgive his ex-girlfriend, and he rediscovers his capability to love and be loved. This path of self-discovery is foreshadowed in the opening scene when the doctor is telling him that his career "isn't real" but what he should do is find someone to love and to have children (boy did he ever!)

I found the movie to be more inspiring, in terms of standing up for what you believe in, than "Farenheit 9/11" which basically just hit you over the head with "Bush Bad, War Bad" but didn't give any solutions. [Yes, I had stock in Enron, Worldcomm, and Tyco...not a lot, but enough to piss me off.]

Little Judy


look, she's gotta have it is a stupid male fantasy about a nymphomaniac.

this movie is also a stupid male fantasy about one guy going around screwing a bunch of women, and getting paid large sums of money to do it!!!! hahahaha! how idiotic is that??

if lesbians want a baby they do NOT have to have sex with a male.....and especially for 10,000 dollars????!!!


if lesbians want sperm they don't have to have sexual intercourse with a male. and they do NOT have to pay 10,000 dollars for it!!!

the whole premise of this movie is so false and stupid i wonder if spike lee has a brain in his head at all.

spike lee is known for having shallow female characters in his movies...usually as sex objects.

she's gotta have it....(the main character is a young pretty woman who is a nymphomaniac)
girl 6 (the main character is a young pretty woman who is a phone sex worker)

do the right thing (rosie perez's character exists as a nag with a nice pair of boobs, which of course are shown in close up and spike lee's character gets to rub ice cubes on them)

when it comes to his female characters the guy seems to have the maturity level of a 13 year old.


While I trust Spike based on some of his great work (Do the Right Thing, Malcom X, 4 Little Girls) I am worried about this project.

To me it seams that this plot is not only lame and unrealistic but offencive to lesbians and the GLBTI communicty at large.

I find it odd that lesbians would want to have children fathered by a man that they don't know, who also will be fathering the children of other lesbian couples. I would say the vast majority of lesbian couples who have children that are bilogically theirs have kids with a person that they know personally or use a sperm bank.

I think that the traditional way of impregnating lesbians with through artificial insemination. Having the main character actually having sex with the women is ridiculous. First off its impractical because having sex one time will not usually result in pregnancy. Also it seems stupid that these "smart successful lesbians" would be having unprotected sex with a strange man.


Yeah. You're right there. I would buy the idea of him being a high-price sperm donor or something, if he is a clever guy who has got far in life etc. But in the 21st century any woman who has unprotected sex with some guy they don't know the history of in order to get pregnant (whether lesbian or not) isn't exactly being sensible or even logical, when artificial insemination is possible (hell, you can even do it at home with a turkey baster and I would think a lesbian woman would prefer that to having sex with a guy).

Ultimately a film which is a satire has to hang together and preferably not indulge the whims of writers or directors in trying to get its message across, and we are being asked to buy something that is not only a bit unpleasant, if not offensive (trying to open girls' legs when they are nervous etc? Ew, to be honest), but just not credible - and ESPECIALLY in a satirical movie, a lack of elements ringing true or striking a chord can be fatal to a film's success.





I agree somewhat. I mean, come's not totally unheard of that lesbians have had sex with men, just as straight women sometimes have sex with other women. But this is kind of absurd. I can buy that lesbians would want to buy sperm from a decent guy. But to try to concieve by regular, unprotected sex? That's just stupid. There's nothing that speaks for that method instead of insemination, other than the male populations asinine fantasizes about men having sex with lesbians. Most lesbians are about as interested in having sex with men as other men are interested in having sex with men, why is that such a hard concept to grasp?

Lee's defense? Artificial insemination isn't cinematic enough. Let's see if he remembers that the next time a white director wants to include some black thugs in his film to make it more "cinematic."

And don't whine about "you're missing the point of the movie". If he's trying to be clever and make a point with the movie, he'd better get his facts straight and not give in to what looks better on film as opposed to what's true.

"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who have not got it."


Yes its not unheared of for lesbians to have sex with men, but a totally disproportionate number of films that introduce characters as lesbians get them to have sex with men. Especially when the films have straight male directors: they introduce the idea of lesbians for titillation then have them turn straight anyway so all's well with the world again. Or the other alternative is to kill them off. Lets seem ore films where lesbians have sex with women and have happy endings before anyone explores the alternatives.




I hope that's a really bad joke or a lame attempt att trolling. Because if you really believe that, you are the most stupid person I've ever encountered.

"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who have not got it."
