Typo in the title

It's She Hates Me, not She Hate Me. Spike should make sure he fixes this soon.



Damn.. you're absolutely right. It's amazing how he missed it. Maybe he was drunk at the time. Well I'm sure millions are thankful to YOU for pointing out this mistake. Who knows? You may have saved millions of dollars on misspelled movie advertisements such as posters and TV commercials.


your both wrong. The character in the movie utters the line, "she HATE me". I also heard that its sort of a homage to the line uttered by Boris Karloff in Bride of Frankenstein, in reaction to the bride hissing and screaming at the monster's presense, he growls, "she hate me".



It's like "Love DON'T cost a thing", that's grammatically wrong too. It's just slang or somethng


Hey Mich, KoolPooldude was being SARCASTIC....of course its She Hate Me, and I wouldn't doubt that the first comment was a joke just jabbing at Spike Lee. Duh


Hello EonBlueTriad,

The omission of the "s" was done intentionally by Spike Lee. I think it was borrowed from the Carolina Panther's Rod "He Hate Me" Smith's concept and what is alludes to. A poster by the name of "Judyinnyc" posts an article pertaining to the meaning behind the name and how it is relevant to the main character in Spike Lee's movie.

The actual post can be found here:




I know where he got "she hate me" but the concept of it means nothing at all..it doesn't matter where he got it from...becuase the fact is that it's still bad grammar..and you can't make excuse's for that

personally I don't care how people spell or how they use grammar.

but you can proudly thank ebonics for grammar like this.

some where a long the line "correct grammar" and "proper spelling" meant that you're white.


Well, as the wise Steven Wright once said, "Why isn't the word, 'phonetically' spelled with an ' f '?", "Why are there 5 syllables in the word 'monosyllabic'?", and of course, "Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?"

When an evil masochist dies does he go to hell, or would heaven be a better punishment?


not that i know who the *beep* that is haha, either way by my standards this title is bad grammar...after thinking things through i guess spelling and grammar are kind of like religion..not everyone believes in the same thing

all though here is my thoughts...if you aren't going to go by what you learn in school then you should quit going....becuase it's obviously a waste of your time..and if you are out of school then kudos.


Hello Rlassister,

Your "opinion" on Spike Lee's "bad grammar" is duly noted. However, given your stance and zeal for the usage of "good grammar," and your advice pertaining to people adhering to what they learn in school, I find it surprising that your previous two posts on this subject are filled with grammatical errors.

This lone line contains a few:

"ALL THOUGH HERE IS MY THOUGHTS" <--- are you adhering to what your English teacher taught you, or are we caught in the snares of a double standard? All of this vitriol against a movie title is anal to say the least.

Pertaining to your post regarding Ebonics and bad grammar, history shows that "bad grammar" predates Ebonics. The English syntax and structure has evolved over the centuries, and certain grammatical usages that are deemed "proper" in the United States would be viewed as erroneous by British standards. I was surprised when I read an older 1611 Kings James Version Bible and saw "ye" spelled as "yee." It is safe to assume that the British viewed the American variation of English as a sort of "Ebonics" sans Black people and their influence.

For more on the variations of British and American English - check this site:


"Hookt awn fonix werked fer meeeeee!" LOL!



well first of all...I know i make mistakes...but there is a big difference in my mistakes...mine are actual mistakes...if i make a mistake it's probably becuase i didn't realise it was a mistake thus meaning I haven't learned that yet...and the difference with this title is that spike lee knows the grammar is wrong

i'm just simply saying why go to school if you aren't going to use the things you learned?

i sure didn't..

but why would i go to a site..lol...if i wanted to spell correctly and use correct grammar i would go to school

my point was simple....it doesn't matter the origin of this name...there is no need to give excuse's on where it came from the, creator of this topic is right it's bad grammar doesn't matter what the origin of it is

you would have known this was the point had you looked at all the post's...instead you just make points that are, how do you put it "anal"?

next time read post's before you go making points that won't mean crap..


Well I guess it is safe for me to assume that you are unlearned when it comes to spelling and grammar being that your numerous mistakes are not intentional. You are the one that posted that people should adhere to what they have learned in school, correct? This implies that either you are not adhering to what you have learned in school, or it implies that your school has not taught you basic grammatical skills. The former would denote hypocrisy on your end, but the latter, which you have claimed, does provide a sufficient reason for your mistakes. The latter would also imply that maybe you need to spend more time in English class, and this way you can see your "unintentional mistakes" as clearly as you see Spike Lee's "intentional mistake."

As far as Spike Lee's title is concerned, it IS bad grammar. However, unlike others that seem to nitpick at any deviation from an expected norm,(this does not apply to the author of this thread that felt the mistake was accidental) I think there is a method to his madness. One can even speculate and find such a glaring and intentional grammatical mistake to be satirical, which happens to be a good way of highlighting and undermining certain habits in our society. It seems like when people dislike an individual, they will look to find anything for the purpose of tearing the individual down or discrediting them.

Pardon me for posting the grammatical site, certainly such information was not germane to our discussion, and quite frankly it is a waste of "our" time LOL.



perhaps you didn't understand my earlier post...in other words...
i'm not a expert speller or a expert in grammar..to be honest the way I spell and use grammar, I learn most of it from chat clients and forums...and i am always open for corrections so that I can learn...

I didn't care that you posted that site...I didn't go to it lol

and I did say people should use what they learned in school...but did i say i learned this in school? no

but I don't understand why you keep replying the point was made this discussion is over...unless you feel the need to keep replying with your 'points' which still mean nothing to me

in other words i'm just trying to say your past two points have been an obvious direct post to prove that i can't use correct grammar...but I already know i can't ...so i'm having a hard time understanding why you keep making points like that


I think I can explain this for you with alacrity and ease.

Spike Lee is good, but likes to be bad ;)

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visit my home on the web


I understand what your point is, rlassister.

In my opinion, I think Spike Lee is an intelligent man based on interviews and movies he's participated in. However, I find it downright hypocritical and sometimes hilarious for this man to name his film She Hate Me when he criticizes BET (Black Entertainment Television) for lacking "serious entertainment" because of the rap music it plays, saying rap music "promotes ignorance."

Excuse me, Spike, but isn't the title She Hate Me indicative of how a person who listens to rap music might speak? (I'm not suggesting every single person who listens to rap music uses the bad grammar present in Spike Lee's new movie title, but it's almost their own necessary "language" to speak their particular hip-hop slang filled with bad grammar and offensive lingo.) Spike Lee's She Hate Me and He Got Game are clearly phrases one would hear spoken in the streets as slang by the very people Lee criticized. Lee wants to cater to people who speak with this sort of slang with titles like She Hate Me yet continues to berate them for their music and the culture that goes with it.

When I first saw a commercial for She Hate Me on television, I couldn't help but see the title and think to myself: "There goes confused Spike Lee again!"

