MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > Spike Lee, what a hypocrite

Spike Lee, what a hypocrite

So he gets mad and throws a fit about Spike TV wanting to use the name "Spike" which he feels he has 100% ownership of. Then he turns around, and whether intentional or not, takes and names a movie She Hate Me. I'm sure many people have heard of Rod Smart, or better known as He Hate Me...the ex-XFL running back turned NFL return man for the Panthers. The thing is, Rod actually does own the copyright to He Hate Me, where is Spike is just a name anyone can have...


Spike belongs in jail with me.



what a bunch of jealous losers, Spike is a genius






I'm no fan of Spike's in fact I really don't like the guy, but big daddy is a racist P.O.S. and we don't need fecalphiliacs like him in this world... just my opinion.

El Capitan


If fecalphilia is wrong then I don't want to be right.


lol ok then....

El Capitan


Interesting to see Chiwetel Ejiofor among the cast. Just saw him for the first time in "Dirty Pretty Things" (Stephen Frears' thriller, also starring Audrey Tautou), and he was - in his very down-to-earth appearance - very convincing. Great to see him in a Spike Lee-movie once it gets here in Europe at some point.

Oh, and any movie with Monica Bellucci is of course must see anyway... :-)

No comments on the title dispute here, though...



Well, it's obvious where the name of the movie came from, but so what? It's not like Smart is a superstar or anything. Knowing Spike, he probably ran the title of the movie by Smart first and asked him if there would be a problem. I do think the whole Spike TV controversy was pretty stupid, but if Smart really did mind, he would've came out and said something about it already. But this movie does sound pretty interesting though.


ryanclock85, you sound like your about 12 years old and just learned how to cuss.

Really, I never understood people like ryanclock85. I mean, I'm not really racist. But I have nothing against racist people either. THAT is being a hypocrtye.


Wth is a "hypocrtye"?
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Oh I'm meant "hypocrite". Sorta like in the above title....

"Hated by fools and fools to hate. Be that my motto and my fate."



Wth is a "hypocrtye"?
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Oh I'm meant "hypocrite". Sorta like in the above title....

My fault, I forgot this is an english board...... silly me.


Yep, it's your fault...

"Hated by fools and fools to hate. Be that my motto and my fate."


1. Spike Lee may have slowed down a touch, but once upon a time he could've given even Madonna [now well on the way out to pasture herself] a lesson or two in how to create controversy and spin it for maximum marketing impact. He's done it better before, but no one can deny that this preposterous lawsuit [later settled quietly with Viacom, a company that sells Lee's wares even as they own Spike TV] generated a lot of talk. While there are other elements to the suit suggesting it might be of some legal merit [like Viacom president Albie Hecht's own admission that Lee was one of the cultural touchstones that inspired their name choice], Spike's hunger for good old-fashioned media buzz is most likely at the heart of it.

2. As proven time and time again by inumerable dismissed lawsuits, titles are not protected by copyright. And while Smart had at one point applied to copyright his sporting moniker, the US copyright office says "copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, or short phrases." While the footballer can seek trademark protection for the phrase, a film title using similar wording to Smart's nickname would not be a copyright infringement -- just as Hollywood types would be free to call a movie, say, "The Rock".



yeah but obviously it doesn't matter if spike thinks he owns the name spike becuase, the network is still called spike tv

but you're right about "she hate me" the first thing i thought of was "he hate me" and i was actually going to post on here to see if the guy who created he hate me plays in this but obviously he doesn't..

any ways you have to be a complete idiot to think you created the name spike or that you can copyright it...that is the most ridiclous thing i ever heard in my life

common name for a dog=spike
the name spike=common
that would be, like me sueing someone else for using my name "chris", it's comical if spike get's to sue or if they have to change the network which i doubt they will have to...then this is a sad world and I really would have to question race.
