Spike at his worst

I am a big Spike Lee fan, and I really have enjoyed every film he has made until this one. I just plan to give Spike a free pass here and quickly forget about this horrible film. I am sure he will return to form with his next project.

She Hate Me started with great potential, but it fell apart fast and hard. This movie was bizzare and became borderline unwatchable. This film was clearly haphazardly with meaningless scenes, bad character development, weak plot.... this movie was just plain stupid.

Here are some bad elements:

1) What the hell was Q-Tip's character? We don't find out Jack and him were deep close friends until half way into the movie.

2) The concept with the lesbians is just lame. I just don't believe there is a cache of lesbian women looking to have sex with a stanger and pay him 10,000 cash to make them pregnant. He is a good choice to father a child becuase he has corporate success? What is this?

3) Your assests and money would never be frozen, and you could never be locked out of your bank account due to what Jack did. What the hell was that?

I don't even feel like writing everything that is so bad about this movie anymore.
