MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > Is there a point? Possible spoilers.

Is there a point? Possible spoilers.

Wow. I haven't been quite this disappointed walking out of a theater in a long time. First of all, going to see the movie, I had not heard much about it and I honestly didn't know what I was in for. I almost always really enjoy going to see movies that I haven't seen trailers for because much of the time I am surprised and usually pleased with what I see.

The beginning of this movie was intense, I felt for his character. I started to get pretty anxious. The first 25 minutes of the film were excellent. The office scenes, Woody Harrelson was very good, The family scenes with his father down in the basement and his mother upstairs. I truly felt like this was going to be a good movie.

Then, it turns into a f##king piece of s##t. Sorry, that's the best way I can put it. What was Lee thinking? Was he trying to create a controversial flick? If so, why so many pointless sex scenes? One or two I can handle, but every other scene is just him trying to make his movie longer then it needs to be. I felt like I was in the theater for a lot longer then two and a half hours.

He just forgets about his friend who died. He forgets about his vice presidential position at a highly successful company. Who cares about him having sex for money, or that he's still in love with his old girlfriend? Does Lee think that I'm supposed to care about any of this? Lee sets himself up for a perfectly good movie, then scraps all of it. What kind of an audience are you aiming for Lee.

Maybe. Maybe if you are a huge Spike Lee fan, you will be able to enjoy this movie. Maybe if you are able to look past all of the things I've said above, and then force yourself to pay $8.50 to go watch a porno with a little more plot and a little better acting. Maybe. Good luck. But I suggest you wait for cable, if ever.
