MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > i actually like this movie...

i actually like this movie...

i wasn't sure for a while, mainly because of the doubt the reviews were putting in my head... but i've decided that i like the movie..

i like how armstrong tried to do the right thing, and as a result, he began a life of doing what was, in his mind, the wrong thing. (personally though, i don't see anything immoral about what he did.)

i liked the music, the photography (especially when you have the baseball photograph behind Fatima...and the inertia of the baseball player (i forgot who it was) is kind of adding an accent to what she is saying. i liked the jim brown character, and i liked seeing david bennent in the movie, not to mention ossie davis.

so, not a great movie, but i like it nonetheless.



A Spike Lee failure is still more entertaining, stimulating, timely and provocative than any box office smash-of-the-week.

Assuming you even consider "She Hate Me" a failure.



The brother has not lost his form AT ALL!The movie was great.The cinematography was great.It was a GREAT PREMISE!The music-perfect!That's one thing I've always loved about Spike's films-the music.And I thought the ending was very sweet.It's good to see the good guy win for a change.

You know,I was delivering pizza and realized I had not given some woman her correct change so I went back and gave it to her."You know,there aren't too many honest people in the world,"she said.Movies like this teach that it's important to stick to your convictions,even when it's inconvenient,and especially when it's inconvenient.

Oh-did you notice Spike always credits the individual musicians who play on his soundtrack?I've always respected that,and I would even if I weren't a musician.
Rest in peace Ossie Davis.


I finally got around to watching this movie last night and really enjoyed it as well, not really sure why so many people are bashing it. I have liked most of the Spike Lee movies I have seen in the past and don't think this one is too far off the path from the others. I guess I just don't see how this is the worst one yet according to the other comments on here.


The ending; were the old (the father) looks out towards the new, (the 'family') no longer able to follow (the wheelchair) I thought was a touching thought of societies drive towards universal understanding, and the destruction of convoluted narrow sighted taboo's. The ending is what really made this film great for me, not many films can successfully end on such a socially abstract stance. That and I like the idea of threesomes :D share the love (2 girls one guy..... sorry I just don't swing the other way.).


This movie is one of my "guilty pleasure" flicks. It's far from a classic but I like how Spike had the balls to make every guy's sexual fantasy come true in this flick, while delivering a powerful message about people who get villified and downtrodden by society for doing the right thing......

"Lord Vader."
"Yes, Master."
"Riiiise..." May 19th


I have been walking by this video for several months every since it came out
on video. In the town where I live it did not come to the theatre. On an evening when my house was void of people and I was out shopping for dinner for one, I finally picked up this flick. I'm so happy I did. I often found myself talking to myself. I felt for Jack. He was a man after my own heart. He was fatally in love Fatima. In my opinion he did all that he did to prove to himself and to her he was man enough for her. I cried at the end, when he was willing to do anything to stay with her and his baby. The pain of catching her with another woman was too much for him. I also felt she still loved him in her own selfish way and couldn't wait to be with him. However, once she got with him its like she tired to drown out her own real feelings for Jack, by making him less than human, by selling him to all those women. I like, what Alex said to her concerning her feelings for Jack, and how all of this was Fatima idea. There were so many thought provoking moments. I couldn't but think of one of Eric Jerome Dickey's novels, "Between Lovers", as I watched. Hats off to Spike for creating such a wonderful man and a brilliant movie!


Also, consider the different races produced throughout the film. The prostitute was an African-American but the women, although gay, were not. They were of al lraces and colours.
Also, the three-way-kiss in the end was multicultural.

Alside from wistleblowing (which will never get old), the film is (I believe it to be) entirely about diversity and multiculturalism.
And it was good.



i've seen this film today and i found it very pleasant.
i find kinda amazing how you americans, in a way, make films to show a message just for yourselves; i mean, it's almost always like this, because some things that happen in those films only could happen in your country! for example, those called ethic questions concerning the impregancy of the women could hardly be relationed to the main subject of the trial, the corruption, even in my country (Portugal) or any other else, i guess. that is incredibly falacious!! i wonder what have the authorities to do with the private life of the people, besides that things were all legal, the papers and no one was forced to anything, so i can't see what crime could possibly make things worse for John.. you are a complex society, that's all.
anyway, i liked the fact that the main characters were black and there was so many different ethnies there. i also find the movie very sweet, because it was sweet in a very different way of the romantic comedies made in usa, and it was about love without being too ostensive or was simple, but also complex, but always beautiful.
well, here in Europe we have been accepting homossexual weddings and adoptions, and it is very strange to me that your 'developped and civilized' country continues in that retrograde way of thinking..
However, i liked these posts, they are very clean and civilized.
that scene of three person kiss was adorable, and it would be great if they could make it everywhere in the street;i heard people in Brasil are already kissing everyone in the lips as an act of friendship and love, and that is the perfect and supreme act abolishment of preconception. let's spread it throughout the world!!
it is one of that films with which we laugh, we smile and we think.. and we want to see it again! and it will stay in the list of my favourite films!i loved it(: and by the way the guy and the two girls were very beautiful
ah, and i'd like to question this tha man: i didn't get his idea of the final scene. is he trying to say that that particular case of one man and two women living together represent the actual society? that the elder people's conservative ideals are being forgotten in order to spread freedom in its all ways? i don't think John's father represents the conservative ideal neither that people like John, Fatima and Alex have easier lifes because they did.

