Why Spike?

Why Spike?

I’m not a true Spike Lee fan however I do very much enjoy the majority of his films up to date with few exceptions. I happen to like the majority of Spike films because he has a way telling a story through the eyes of everyone charter involved in the story as where most cases other directors use just the main charter as the protagonist and has all other charters involved in the story line focused on the attention of the said main charter.

However as I read through some comments, reviews and criticism on him or his work it just appears to me that the critics just slander the man and label him racist without offering any real reason. Now I will honor any argument on a person or on his/her work but I can’t understand why people insist on post insults rather than legitimate critiques.

In other words why is Spike called racist if the movie he direct/wrote has to do with race relations. If for example Steven Spielberg can direct the “Color Purple” and have the white charters be cruel towards blacks and not be deemed racist then why can’t Spike do the same and not be labeled racist. If the subject matter is dealing with race relations then of course these issues will come up.

Stop writing ridiculous posts that have nothing to do with him or his film if they aren’t based on anything. Let people who have an honest comment learn from one another or enjoy a good discussion.
