MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > Good till it gets to the middle part

Good till it gets to the middle part

Honestly I like Spike Lee's flims and most are always up to par, but this film was good at the start,but towards the middle it just loses it. I mean I don't get why the main character got arrested in the first place. He was the one that blew the whistle on the big company then he gets arrested for making babies with some Gay ladies that were willing to pay him. WTF!! Spike lost me after that and the flick just went down hill from there. If you watch this flick just watch up until jack gets put into the hand cuffs then do yourself a favor and turn this crap off cause it's not worth seeing any more. You'll just hurt your brain trying to get what the hell is going on. nuff said


He didn't get arrested because of having sex with lesbians. He got arrested because the company that fired him (Progeia) tried to pin insider trading on him so they could deflect that SEC inquiry and stay in business! They figured that the whole thing with the impregnating lesbians would ruin his credibility and he would go to jail and everyone else would get away scott free. His arrest never had anything to do with him having sex with the lesbians.
