Joe Louis

In Jack's apartment he has very beautiful paintings of Joe Louis on his walls and after listening to some of Spike's commentary I know he wants or plans to shoot a film about Joe Louis but pertaining to this film is there any other reason behind those paintings? I know everything Spike Lee does has a purpose so I was just wondering if I missed something with the paintings.

Oh yeah and the Jackie Robinson picture is also very beautiful. Does anyone know the name of the painter who did the Joe Louis?
The painting is great and I would decorate a wall in my house using the large frame. Wouldn't that be lovely for like a "you better not even think about bringing that red kool-aid in here" living room? The light and dark browns,carmels,whites just nice and soft. But then again I don't own my own home ... Yet



Did you ever get the answer? my BF has the name of the artist and I too am looking for it but can't seem to find it anywhere

And so it goes....


here is the artist and his website

And so it goes....
