MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > Anthony Mackie + Chiwetel Ejiofor

Anthony Mackie + Chiwetel Ejiofor

Is it me, or do these two look very similar?


Its just you. Anthony Mackie and Chiwetel E do not look a like.


It is you. mackie is obviously slmmer and younger. I look a little like Sam Jackson but get confused for Denzel Washington all the dayum time. So yes its you.

IMDBlack Man
"What Now? Lemme tell you what now..."




It is not just you. I have said that they could play some sort of kin in different movie. I agree, they look alike, so it is not just you.


no they could'nt they don't look or act alike, period.

IMDBlack Man
"What Now? Lemme tell you what now..."
