Roger Ebert's Review

I hated this movie. To quote Ebert himself from another movie review, "I hated hated hated hated this movie". The film attempted to make far too many points, was convincing of nothing, and further established the conception of Spike Lee as a filmaker who attempts to present a case about racism, but often ends up making a statement that is blind to its falsehoods.
And yet, Roger Ebert, in his review, found a way to look past this, and did a pretty good job of it. In the review his main argument was that, while the movie did indeed attempt to do too much, he was never bored and could never quite convince himself of its awfulness.
Below is the link to his review of this film. While it did not dissuade me from my opinion (and may not do so to yours) it nevertheless offers an extremely original take on the movie (just about the only good review it got) and, like all of this man's reviews, presents an excellent case for what it believes.


Lol. Ebert seems to find a way to like just about any movie. It is almost like he has gone soft-headed in his older age.
