Unreal,ass backwards

the only real part of this movie was the chicks having the kids ,im guessin they used actually footage from pregancies for this movie .It seems like lee got his politics mixed up .First off the acting was comical very unbelievable who knows maybe this was the plan .The message got mixed up how the *beep* did this go from fighting the powers that be to the guy playing a black sterotype? .Here's a guy that shoots down tyler perry for being a coon and he goes ahead making .Stuff that like this that sexualizes those sterotypes .Mr lee you've gone hollywood no matter how close u may think u got your ear to the street .Your no different than these other *beep* in hollywood that paint black.As a bunch of derelicts who talk with ebonics and are over sexed .Where the *beep* did the story of this character go about him over coming .

Wrongs in his career by battling the powers that be or are u trying to beat him down as a young successful black male.Trying to make something of himself and climb up the ladder .To be and accomplished person of society while maintaining his equality ? This film went from race issue to feminism real fast,the feminism part was of course filler .The story started off good enough and then just took a swan dive off the deep end .Into and enormous black hole ;this film wreaks of propaganda .I hate these *beep* politically based films that try and change the world but .Have no *beep* clue about social politics what so ever ,stick to making movies and entertaining.Politics isn't your thing plain and simple leave it the *beep* alone .

Also stop boo hooing about how the business side of film kaing is *beep* up the art .it's very clear from this movie that the business side got you bent over ass cheeks spread.Flexing it's muscle in your uptight ass ;now i know which side you on.It ain't the artistic side that's for *beep* sure ;stick to the script mr lee . Know your *beep* role play your position and stay in your place .

In Europe an actor is an artist. In Hollywood, if he isn't working, he's a bum.
