MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > I hate how this movie spares the women

I hate how this movie spares the women

I really hated how this movie treats the women. A lot of the things that happen to John are because of the women. His Fiance is cheating on him, which hurt him deeply (he is 31 and still single, probably because he is damaged goods, I would be too after that). They made him get them pregnant after he refused by not taking no for an answer, and made a business out of it, which eventually ruined his life, and not theirs, of course. I am sure I will get heaps of negative criticism for saying it, but its really unfair. "its a woman's perogative to change her mind" and women do, constantly, not taking any responsibility for it, hurting people along the way. it's just sad. Im not a mysogenist, and Im not sexist, but the double standards in this movie are identical to the ones in the modern world.


Don't mean to come off rude, but you sound like you have been hurt recently and you are just focusing on just one of the many threads in the movie. Either wait till your broken heart is healed before you watch it, or watch it again with an open mind. (And by the way, women hurt men as much as men hurt women. But that's a seperate convo)

But watch it again, this time carefully. The women did not make him change his mind. The women were not the MAIN reason he changed his mind and had sex with them. He initially refused to give out his sperm. The reason he agreed was cos he lost his job AND his assets were frozen.

His fiance cheatED on him. Not cheatING on him. When you say cheatING, then it makes the xter Jack to be more of a victim than he really is. (He is more of a victim wrt office politics and greed than he is a victim to women) The xter Jack, is not THAT heart broken. Yes, he was still hurt a little when you bring up the subject of his ex gf, Fatime (and naturally stopped hurting after they got together at the end). But he only shows that hurt when you go poking at the old wound. I mean, in the beginning of the movie, he never complained about being heartbroken, did he? He only lamented when they started having that conversation in his room where he asked her the "other" woman's name; he was only lamenting in that ONE scene, only because he didn't really get closure. Remember when she (or was it he) said that was the first time they talked about it since that "unfaithful" day?

He is 31 and single cos like he said in the beginning of the movie, he does not feel like settling down yet because of his career. He is not single cos he is "damaged goods." Plus, consider that there is nothing wrong with being 31 and single. Stereotypically speaking, for a guy, there is definitely nothing wrong with a guy being 31 and unmarried. Maybe you are looking, maybe you are not looking. Maybe you are dating, maybe not.

Remember, the movie is about the xter Jack. It's about the things that happen to Jack. [Not that it is impossible to do so but] it would be too much "work" to start commenting about how good or bad the women are in the movie.

The MAIN points/subjects of the movie are: politics, sex, greed, corporation.

A corporation wants FDA approval. FDA denies them that. The corporation decides to forge data to seek FDA approval (<- greed). A scientist commits suicide at the same time. The corporation starts to mess with its employee's stock options (a la Enron etc). Corporation looks for a guy to blame it all on. They decide to blame it on Jack since Jack out of moral/goodness of his heart, he decides not to be a part of the corporate executives when it comes to screwing their employees. The corporation make it hard for Jack to get a new job by telling the other pharmaceutical companies that Jack is a bad employee. The corporation reports Jack to SEC. The SEC in turn, freezes Jack's assets until the investigation is completed.

So now, Jack is practically broke. He needs money. Enter Jack's ex girl, Fatima. She and her gf want to have a baby. Although Jack refuses to be supply the sperm because he flat out isn't happy with Fatima, he eventually agrees cos he is broke. Fatima wants his sperm because he's a cool dude wrt genes/sexual health etc. With Jack, she knows EXACTLY what she is getting; compared to going to a sperm bank; sperm banks can lie sometimes. Jack even wanted to be legally a part of the babies' lives. But BECAUSE he is broke, it is easy for Fatima to make him let go of his rights. Have you ever done anything you know in your heart is wrong, but you do it anyway cos you were broke? (Remember the Godfather scene?) If you have not, consider yourself lucky. But if you are christian, remember the story of Abraham's children (I THINK it was Abraham lol). But anyway, Issac and Esau, right? One of them sold their birthrights cos he was hungry? Same thing here.

Fatima is also a business lady. She knows other women like her. They are willing to pay. She takes 10%. Jack agrees initially. The pay is not bad after all. But after a while, decides to stop cos he feels it's just so wrong. Oh yea, and don't forget that he now has enough money to say "no to drugs" ... I mean, say no to impregnating women for money.

So far, I have talked about sex, corporation and greed, right?

The politics part really comes into play in the sense that although he is the whistle blower, he is the one taking the fall for it. A lot of the whistleblowers in real life tend to be treated relatively badly. Also, the congress hearings both in the movie and in real life, are usually done to restore the public's belief in the American business market. It is ALSO done to show that anyone who messes up will get punished. Same thing with the early morning bird walk -- the part where they came to arrest him in the early morning with cameras all over the place. Those are political moves done to make the public trust the system again so that business can continue as usual. The biggest politics here comes in the fact that the smallest guy in the system tends to fall the hardest. Like the flash backs they were showing for the whole Watergate thing; it is actually a true story. The security guy who discovered things initially actually died destitute. But all the other big players in the Watergate fraud went on to succesful lives because they knew how to play the politics of the system.

Dude, what I am saying here is that given the main topics of sex, corporation, greed and politics, it is extremely difficult to start talking about whether the women (in general or in the movie) were right or wrong to the man.

I also suggest you rent the dvd sometime and listen to director's comment. It will help you appreciate the movie much better.

And just in case you are wondering, I am a dude.

Dammit, I just wrote a damn essay.


He is not single cos he is "damaged goods." Plus, consider that there is nothing wrong with being 31 and single. Stereotypically speaking, for a guy, there is definitely nothing wrong with a guy being 31 and unmarried. Maybe you are looking, maybe you are not looking. Maybe you are dating, maybe not.


Lol no. People definitely think that a 31 and single guy is either gay and/or has commitment issues. And said guy is definitely seen as damaged goods. They may not say it to his face but that's definitely what they're thinking.

The whole "maybe they're looking, maybe not" excuse is what they use as a cop out.



No,it's not a cop-out. People no longer HAVE to get married at a certain age---this is the 21st century---hell, people no longer have to get married if they want to---dosen't make them "damaged goods"---that's such out of date thinking concerning single folks, as if marriage is the only legitimate qualifier of a person's life--it ain't,beiieve me.


I totally disagree but to each his own as far an opinion goes. I personally thought that is showed how much women had evolved and how much control we have over ourselves in this day and age compared to the past. But thats just me.


I must agree that this movie had double standards. It started out looking like it was going to be against the idea of this guy impregnating all those women and then did an about face to say: "Yay, we're all happy now, even though these children are going to grow up with grossly distorted moral values."


I wouldn't say "grossly distorted" as far as morals go. I grew up in a rather dysfunctional household with a set of heterosexual parents with 2 other siblings and sometimes I wonder where I morals go at times. But to each his/her own.



in a somewhat weak defense (sort of) of the original poster's comment, i, too, found Jack's insistence that everything that had happened was all his fault, to be a little confusing.

when he's asking Fatima and Alex if they will allow him to be in their lives, at least as a father to their children, they ask him, "What about the other babies?"

that question didn't make sense, and Jack's apologetic response made even less sense... it was Fatima and Alex's taking advantage of Jack's crumbling financial situation that even got him involved in the whole mess. Now, all of a sudden, it's all totally Jack's fault and Fatima and Alex are off the hook, bearing no responsibility for it, whatsoever?

that part didn't quite ring true to me.
